Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 9 – 2018 Legislative Wrap-Up

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
Capital Eye
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The 2018 legislative session is FINALLY over, and this is our wrap-up edition of the Capital Eye. Of the 1,778 bills introduced, 260 made it through the sausage grinder to the other end. They all will be signed, ignored by the governor (and become law without his signature), or vetoed. We’re asking him to veto two of them (we’d prefer he veto scores but that’s not going to happen), so read on for why, and make your calls if so moved.

A big THANK YOU to all who came to the Capitol, sent emails, and/or made calls on important legislation. Now that the session is over, we’re working hard to catch up on all the work left undone as we roamed the marble halls. Thanks also to those who sent in checks of support or donated online. The greens you sent in helped keep us going through early morning public hearings, evening committee meetings, and long floor sessions.

It’s never too late to send in a membership renewal or donation as the fight continues as we pivot to federal issues and make sure that voters ‘Remember in November’.

Yours for Action,


PS: We hope you can join us for one or more of these upcoming events. 

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