Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 1

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
Capital Eye
Jan 14, 2019 View / Comment Online



It’s a new year, and a new legislature. In this issue of the Capital Eye, we give you a glimpse at some of the upcoming fights and things to watch for, as well as a list of resources to help you be an informed activist throughout the session. We’ve only scratched the surface of both the potential damage and opportunities that abound during this current 60-day legislative session, so please stay tuned to our weekly updates. 

Yours for Action,


Upcoming Events

2019 Legislative Session Kicks Off
The 2019 session of the WV Legislature kicked off on Wednesday, January 9. Here's a glimpse at some of the upcoming fights and things to watch for, and a list of resources to help you be an informed activist throughout the session.
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnvironmentFair taxationHealthcare
This is What Democracy Looks Like, and You Are In It
The 2018 WV teachers' strike is a recent example of how people power works. We, the people, know how to make WV a better place to live. But we need to fix a broken system. Here's a solution. Help West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform during the 2019 West Virginia Legislative Session.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Tell Sen. Capito: Stop Playing Politics with Our Lives!
Thousands of West Virginia families are feeling the pain of the government shutdown: federal employees who aren't able to work, those who are working without pay, small business owners who rely on federal services, kids and families who rely on temporary assistance, and many more. Tell Senator Capito to stop playing politics with our lives, and stand down on the border wall issue so that the government can get back to serving the people.
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesEconomyFamiliesWorkers
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