Tag: Fair Courts

14 posts found

Newsletter article Julie Archer February 28, 2023
Elections & Courts Update – Week 7
As we approach crossover day, here’s an update on where various election and courts bills are in the legislative process.  More
Issues: Fair Courts
Newsletter article Julie Archer February 14, 2023
Elections & Courts Update
The Senate Judiciary has referred three bills to its Elections and Public Integrity Subcommittee. The Senate Judiciary Committee has also advanced two bills that would decrease transparency of political spending. The House Committee on Political Subdivisions has advanced three bills. Plus judicial redistricting is underway. More
Issues: DemocracyElectionsFair CourtsVoting Rights
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett February 7, 2023
Small Government?
As I was having a drink with veteran statehouse reporter Phil Kabler ... In essence he said something like, “It's strange how the party of so-called ‘small government’ keeps inserting itself into the bedrooms and doctors offices of our citizens.” More
Issues: Fair CourtsHealthcareInequalityMedicaidPollution
Citizen Action Group Blog Julie Archer October 24, 2022
Much At Stake With Proposed Constitutional Amendments
In addition to the congressional, legislative, county and local elected offices that will appear on the ballot this November, voters must also consider four separate amendments to the state’s constitution. Here’s a refresher on what’s at stake with these proposed changes to the West Virginia Constitution.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesElectionsFair CourtsFair taxationTaxesVoting
Newsletter article Julie Archer February 21, 2022
Judicial Power Grab Would Weaken West Virginians’ Say-So on the Courts
In response to former Justice Evan Jenkins’s recent resignation from the State Supreme Court, members of the House of Delegates are moving quickly to strip West Virginians of their ability to have a say in who will fill the seat left vacant by Jenkins’s departure. More
Issues: Fair CourtsFair RepresentationVoting Rights
Action Alert Julie Archer December 23, 2021
The Foundation of Our Democracy: Fair and Impartial Courts
we must keep the pressure on our Senators to pass bold democracy reform at the federal level that will protect and strengthen our freedom to vote, while continuing the fight at the state level to ensure that our courts are free from political and special interest influence and can protect our rights and guard against abuses of power. Double your impact with a year-end donation to keep us fighting for free, fair, and safe elections and fair and impartial courts. More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Newsletter article Julie Archer July 23, 2021
Defending and Strengthening Democracy: Fair Courts and the For the People Act
Tell Governor Jim Justice and State Supreme Court Chief Justice Evan Jenkins that West Virginia courts work for the people, not for corporate interests. More
Issues: Fair CourtsVoting Rights
Newsletter article Julie Archer July 23, 2021
WV Legislature’s Joint Committee on Redistricting to Host Public Hearings
Starting Tuesday, July 27th, the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Redistricting will host a series of public hearings around the state to allow West Virginians to weigh in on the process of redrawing the boundaries of legislative and congressional districts. More
Issues: Fair CourtsRedistrictingVoting Rights
Newsletter article Julie Archer April 20, 2021
WV Moving Forward With Establishing Intermediate Court, Keeping Courts Out of Impeachment
Two measures we oppose related to West Virginia courts were passed by the WV Legislature. One was signed into law by the Governor. The other will go before voters in November of 2022 in the form of a proposed amendment to the state Constitution. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair Courts
Newsletter article   March 8, 2021
Tell Senate Judiciary Members to Protect Democracy, Vote NO on HJR 2 and SB 303
By voting to approve HJR 2 last week, a majority of House members have made clear they believe themselves to be above the law. SB 303 is a direct attack on the ability for local communities to govern themselves. More
Issues: DemocracyFair Courts
Newsletter article Julie Archer February 22, 2021
Power Grabs and a Gift to Special Interests
In our action alerts for Week 2, we told you about a proposed constitutional amendment put forth by the House of Delegates (HJR 2). Not to be outdone, the Republican leadership in the Senate has reintroduced the proposed “Protecting the Separation of Powers Amendment” (SJR 8) More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair Courts
Action Alert   May 12, 2020
Let’s #VoteTogetherWV to give this primary the best turnout ever!
Want to make friends, win prizes, and connect with your neighbors about voting safely in the era of COVID-19? Join us for phone banking and helping your neighbors vote! With all of the changes due to the coronavirus pandemic, WV Citizen Action is joining together with our partners and allies to get information to voters about important dates and how they can vote absentee. The Vote Together WV coalition is hosting two phone bank shifts per week, where volunteers can support and encourage each other, win prizes, while making phone calls safely from home. Sign up here! More
Issues: ElectionsFair CourtsVotingVoting Rights
Action Alert   April 24, 2020
COVID-19 and Voting: Help Your Neighbors Vote!
The West Virginia Primary Election is coming up fast on June 9, and it's going to take ALL OF US to help people vote in the era of COVID-19! We’re looking for volunteers to make phone calls from their homes from April 30 until June 9. We’ll provide virtual trainings, scripts, phone numbers, staff who are on call to answer questions, and all the info you need to get started. Join us for the Vote Together WV phone bank launch and training, Thursday, April 30, 5-8:30PM. Sign up here. More
Issues: DemocracyElectionsFair CourtsVotingVoting Rights
Action Alert   October 30, 2018
Make a Plan to Vote & Vote Early
Early voting is underway now through Saturday, November 3. It’s important to make sure you’re ready to vote. This means making sure you have your ID, informing yourself about the issues and candidates, and last but not least, getting yourself to the polls. Use our election app to make a plan to vote and vote early. Can't vote early? Election Day is Tuesday, November 6. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesElectionsFair CourtsHealthcareVoting