Capital Eye Vol. 16, No. 2 – Legislative Update Week 2: Battle of the Tax Cuts

The House quickly passed the governor’s bad idea of eliminating one quarter of our state’s annual revenue by cutting 50% off personal income taxes over the next three years. However, Senate leadership has deemed HB 2526 DOA and, not to be outdone, they’re cooking up their own tax cuts. Regardless of how the Legislature lands on these cuts, regular West Virginians lose. Now is the time to make your voice heard on this lose-lose proposition! Also keep reading to learn more about health care bills we’re keeping an eye on, action on environmental and climate legislation, election bills that are gaining traction, and other major actions in the House and Senate. be sure to check our events calendar for opportunities for learning and action. 

In addition to getting this weekly update, there are lots of resources for keeping up on the daily hijinks at the ‘Bad Idea Factory’ (as Delegate Pushkin often calls it). Here is a short list:

And speaking of resources, remember, Citizen Action depends on YOU!

You are the Action in Citizen Action! As you read this update, please take some time to reach out to lawmakers on the issues that resonate with you. Democracy is more than just voting every election. Even if our preferred candidates didn’t win, we must engage with those who did to make our voices heard. Even if our lawmakers often make choices we disagree with, they still need to hear other perspectives and positions. Thank you for being an active citizen and sharing your thoughts, expertise and solutions to problems and challenges facing our state. One other way you can be active is with a supporting membership to WV Citizen Action. Please keep those renewals and new memberships coming in! Thanks, again, for your support.

Battle of the Tax Cuts
The House quickly passed the governor’s bad idea of eliminating one quarter of our state’s annual revenue by cutting 50% off personal income taxes over the next three years. However, Senate leadership has deemed HB 2526 DOA and, not to be outdone, they’re cooking up their own tax cuts. Regardless of how the Legislature lands on these cuts, regular West Virginians lose. Now is the time to make your voice heard on this lose-lose proposition!
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationFamilies
Health Care Bills to Keep an Eye On
WV-CAG and our partners in the Health Care for All-WV coalition are excited to share the news that the insulin and diabetic supplies bill (HB 2430) was introduced in the House. Another bill that could strengthen the health of West Virginians (SB 269) by raising the Medicaid Dental Benefit from $1,000 to $2,000 a year for adult recipients has advanced in the Senate. And we expect the Affordable Medicaid Buy-In bill to be introduced this week. More details here.
Tagged: EconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Climate Eye – Week 2
Updates on what's happening with legislation to address PFAS contamination, expand community solar, develop energy projects on and under state-owned lands, and increase legislative oversight of the Public Service Commission.
Tagged: EnergyEnvironment
Much Ado About Elections, and More
Ten days into the 2023 legislative, more than 50 bills related to elections have been introduced. Two have traction, and action is needed to keep HB 2244 off the House Judiciary Committee agenda. Related to elections, we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge Saturday's anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s devastating Citizens United decsion, the role of dark money in shifting the balance of the Court to the right, and it's impact on our fundamental rights.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracyFamiliesHealthcare
(Other) Big Things That Happened – Week 2
Here’s a quick overview of some of the other big things that happened this past week — things that aren’t covered elsewhere in this update on the second week of the 2023 legislative session. This includes action on "zombie bills" on guns and unemployment in the Senate. In the House, the Health Committee advanced bills to reorganize DHHR and limit health care options for transgender youth.
Tagged: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesWorkers


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