Issue: Fair Taxation

As a member of the Coalition for West Virginia Families, WV CAG is looking for ways to make our tax system less regressive. We support the Coalition’s recommendation that families making below poverty-level wages be exempted from paying state income tax and will work to introduce legislation accomplishing this objective.

On the other end of the scale, we must continually push for large mineral holdings to be assessed at fair market value in order to provide revenue for local schools and services. The repeal of the “Managed timber land tax credit” for large timber companies is a major priority of WV CAG.

161 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 4, 2013
Picking Up the Tab 2013: Average Citizens and Small Businesses Pay the Price for Offshore Tax Havens
Some U.S.-based multinational firms and individuals avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to shift profits made in America to offshore tax havens—countries with minimal or no taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Banking reform
Press Release CAG March 21, 2013
Citizens & Workers Call on Congress to Close Corporate Tax Loopholes
Activists expose Verizon’s stashed offshore profits; urge Senator Manchin to support $1 trillion in revenue from the richest 2% and Big Corporations during Senate budget debate More
Issues: Fair taxationInequalityWorkers
Press Release CAG March 18, 2013
MEDIA ADVISORY: Citizens Mark St. Patrick’s Holiday With A Call To “Put The Green” Into The Federal Budget
Activists expose Verizon’s stashed offshore profits; urge Senator Manchin to support $1 trillion in revenue from the richest 2% and corporations during Senate budget debate next week More
Issues: Fair taxationWorkers
Press Release CAG February 27, 2013
With Sequester Looming, Groups Call for Support for Social Programs
As part of a National Day of Action across the U.S., local social service and justice groups gathered for a roundtable discussion at City Hall with representatives from Senator Rockefeller’s and Manchin’s office to call for continued support for essential programs that help the needy and to look to the ever‐expanding Pentagon Budget for cuts. More
Issues: Fair taxationPoverty
Banking reform
Press Release CAG February 20, 2013
New U.S. PIRG Study Exposes the Real Cost of Tax Loopholes for WV Citizens
Revenue from Closing Overseas Tax Loopholes Should Be Collected Before Congress Makes Cuts to Education, Health Care and Other Vital Programs More
Issues: Fair taxation
Press Release CAG February 5, 2013
Offshore Tax Dodging Blows $106 Million Hole in WV Budget
– With West Virginia’s Budget under heavy pressure, WV Citizen Action, released a new study by U.S. PIRG revealing that West Virginia lost $106 million due to offshore tax dodging in 2012. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG February 5, 2013
The Hidden Cost of Offshore Tax Havens
When U.S. corporations and wealthy individuals use offshore tax havens to avoid paying taxes to the federal government, it is an abuse of our tax system. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Banking reform
Press Release CAG January 30, 2013
Citizen Groups Urge Senator Manchin to Protect Working Families By Standing Up For “Fair Taxes, Not Cuts”
WV Citizen Action, a member of Americans for Tax Fairness, delivered a message to Senator Manchin from several West Virginia groups today calling for Fair Taxes, Not Cuts as part of a national day of action in coordination with state and national labor, advocacy and faith groups. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG October 3, 2012
2012 Congressional Report Card: Rep. Shelley Moore Capito Failing Seniors
Did Congresswoman Capito Make the Grade on the Issues Seniors Care About Most? More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareSocial security
Press Release CAG July 31, 2012
Report Shows Impact to West Virginians of Ending Bush Tax Cuts for Richest 2%
2012) If the U.S. House of Representatives passes the Republican plan this week to extend the Bush‐era tax cuts for households making over $250,000, the wealthiest 1.7 percent of West Virginians in that income group could get a disproportionate 29 percent of the total tax breaks in their state. They’re average tax cut would be about $25,000. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG July 26, 2012
WV Senators Praised for Voting to Support Tax Cuts for 98% of Americans
2012 WV Citizen Action praised both WV’s Senators for taking an important first step to restoring fairness in our tax system by voting today for the Middle Class Tax Cut Act (S. 3412). More
Issues: Fair taxation
Banking reform
Press Release CAG May 10, 2012
Report Details Harm If Student Loan Rate Doubles
WV Citizen Action Education Fund (WV-CAEF), USAction Education Fund and Campus Progress today co-released a report detailing how an increase in the Stafford loan interest rate would hurt West Virginians. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 12, 2012
Corporations and the Super-Rich: PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE!
2012 Tax Season is upon us, and USAction is planning more than 32 events in 16 states to tell Corporations and the Super-Rich: PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! More
Issues: EventFair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 18, 2011
Tax Shell Game: How Much Did Offshore Tax Havens Cost You in 2010?
Tax havens are countries with minimal or no taxes, to which U.S.-based multinational firms or individuals transfer their earnings to avoid paying taxes in the United States. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Press Release CAG March 10, 2011
WV Labor and Community Groups to Join TOGETHER & Rally for Workers Rights and the American Dream
In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, politicians are giving huge tax breaks to corporations and the very rich—and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG July 30, 2010
Statement by Gary Zuckett, Exec Dir. WV Citizen Action, at Afghanistan Vigil
We stand today in support of our troops by asking the President to end our occupation of Afghanistan and bring our people safely home. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFair taxationFamilies
Banking reform
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 9, 2010
Who’s Complaining about Health Care Reform? (And What Do They Pay in Taxes?)
A new analysis from Citizens for Tax Justice shows that many of the companies protesting a tax-loophole-closing reform enacted in the new health care reform law are paying corporate taxes at less than a third of the 35 percent statutory corporate tax rate, and in some cases are actually getting tax rebates back from the federal government.  More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 15, 2009
Tax Shell Game: The Taxpayer Cost of Offshore Corporate Tax Havens
Many of the largest corporations in our country hide profits made in the United States in offshore shell companies and sham headquarters in order to avoid paying billions in federal taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG March 15, 2007
Combined Reporting: A Key Element in West Virginia Tax Modernization
Over the past several decades, state corporate income taxes have declined markedly. From 1989 to 2003, West Virginia has seen its corporate income tax revenue fall by 47 percent as a share of gross state product. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG June 6, 2006
The Hidden Costs of Repeal or Drastic Reduction of the Federal Estate Tax
During the first week of June, the Senate will consider legislation to repeal or drastically reduce the estate tax. The House of Representatives passe d a bill to repeal the tax (HR.8) in April 2005. More
Issues: Fair taxation
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