Tag: Economy

336 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert CAG February 26, 2016
At the beginning of the year, Governor Tomblin imposed a pilot in nine counties across the state that would require Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - also known as Food Stamps - recipients to work 20 hours a week if they are able-bodied adults between the ages of 18 and 50; this pilot does include exemptions for individuals with dependents or who have mental or physical disabilities. During session, our legislature has been continuously proposing bills that would create stricter requirements and reduce SNAP benefits even further. While these work requirements may sound good, there are major issues we should consider before implementing such requirements. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG February 8, 2016
Oppose H.R. 766 (Luetkemeyer)
We oppose H.R. 766 (Luetkemeyer) which will restrict efforts to protect consumers and banks from fraud, money-laundering, and other illegal activities. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamilies
Newsletter CAG February 8, 2016
Capital Eye: Groundhog Week
We hope you had a great weekend! Our weekend was packed full with committee meetings and lobbying visits, as the Senate decided to convene. This is why our "weekend" update is coming to you at the beginning of the week; we didn't forget about you! Read on for a full update on last week's happenings and a look ahead at this week's. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyEnvironmentWorkers
Newsletter CAG January 23, 2016
Capital Eye Update: 1/23/16
We're here to help you pass the time as the snow continues to accumulate and keep you inside (if you're lucky)! Click for your first "Capital Eye" weekend update of the 2016 West Virginia Legislative Session. Curl up, stay warm, and catch-up on what's been happening in Charleston the last 10 days! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyWorkers
Advocacy Letter CAG October 27, 2015
Pass a clean budget bill and reject attacks on CFPB’s authority on forced arbitration
We are joining other consumer advocates in calling for the passage of a clean budget and the rejection of any riders that would affect the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's ability to continue its rulemaking on binding mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer financial services contracts. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomy
Action Alert CAG June 12, 2015
Families Need Earned Sick Days, Ask Sen Manchin to co-sponsor!
Recently Sen. Manchin voted for an amendment in support of Earned Sick Leave. West Virginia Citizen Action and our national affiliate USAction think it’s times to ask him to take the next step… More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG June 11, 2015
Not so Fast Track!
Call Congress today to oppose Fast Tracking the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership treaty): 1-888-966-9836. The TPP has been negotiated in total secrecy with lobbyists of the trans-national corporations and is much more than the simple “Free Trade” deal it's being promoted as. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
Action Alert CAG June 3, 2015
Call Today to Stop TPP; Movie Screening, First Friday This Week
Any day now, Congress will vote on a massive outsourcing trade. This deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will directly impact the ability of labor unions to negotiate fair contracts this year. All jobs are tradable – including call center work – and this deal will move jobs to Vietnam & Malaysia.Congress has to hear from us, not just from corporate CEOs.Join us for this Day of Action! Call Your Representative Today, June 3. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
Action Alert CAG May 26, 2015
Movie Screenings and a Call to Action
Join WV- CAG for a FREE screening of the documentary "In the Shadows of Liberty" in South Charleston or Shepherdstown. We also need your help to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership ("NAFTA on steroids") and fast track authority. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
Newsletter CAG March 21, 2015
Legislative Wrap-Up: 2015 Session Closes
Campaign Finance Legislation Stalls in House; Non-Partisan Judicial Elections, Other Reforms Headed to Governor; Aboveground Storage Tank Act Amended; Some Good News For Water Quality; Reflections on Internship with CAG; Recycling Cooperatives Bill Headed to Governor; Energy Efficient WV Fought off Bad Policy, Ran out of Time on Another; Selma Memory March This Sunday. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyFamilies
Newsletter CAG March 8, 2015
Week 8: Home Stretch but No Time to Rest!
No Time to Rest. Sustained Outrage Needed. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 22, 2015
Week 6: Over the Hump
Legislative Update Week 6: Over the Hump. From 'War on Workers' to 'Threats to Both Air AND Water,' we strive to keep you updated. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG February 22, 2015
Recycling Competition Bill in Senate Judiciary TODAY
We need you to contact the committee and voice your support for the bill. Let the Senate Judiciary Committee members know... More
Issues: EconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Newsletter CAG February 15, 2015
Week 5: Halfway
Thursday was the halfway point in this session and we are fast approaching the last day to introduce bills in the Senate (Monday, February 23) and House (Tuesday, February 24). So far 1,243 bills have been introduced. The week started with a great press conference on protecting our water with speakers from WV Environmental Council member groups, the WV Council of Churches, and Charleston NAACP - all calling for keeping our drinking water clean and safe, and opposing legislation to roll back protections. Our water warrior, Karan Ireland, moderated the event and gave a strong personal testimony to kick it off. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyEnergyFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 8, 2015
Week 4: Attacks on Water, Health Care Continue
Over one thousand bills have been introduced by both the House and the Senate. Thankfully most will end up in the recycling bin. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG February 1, 2015
Week 3: All Hands On Deck
Find out what's been happening at the Legislature- trust us, there's a lot! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
Banking reform
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 11, 2014
Citizens call on Senators for Banking Reform
Support for the updated Glass-Steagall Act was the message of petitions delivered to Senator Manchin and Rockefeller this week supported by WV AFL-CIO; WV Center on Budget & Policy and WV Citizen Action. The petitions, which called for federal action on the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, were part of a national delivery bearing more than 600,000 signatures, including over 2,700 citizens of West Virginia. More
Issues: Economy
Low wage workers in WV
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG May 1, 2014
Senate Republicans Block Vote on Giving American a Raise
WV Citizen Action Group applauds Senators Rockefeller and Manchin, all Senate and House Democrats and Labor Secretary Tom Perez for fighting to raise the wage for 28 million American workers. Voters nationwide will remember in November who stood up for an America that works for all of us, not just Wall Street and their millionaire CEOs. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesWorkers
Press Release CAG September 21, 2013
Citizen Action Statement on House GOP’s SNAP Cuts
Less than 24 hours after passing a bill to slash food assistance* for nearly 4 million vulnerable Americans, House Republicans today passed a short-term spending measure to keep the federal government in business but included a poison pill that defunds the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Press Release CAG September 18, 2013
WV Faith & Civic Groups Call for an End to Political “Hunger Games” in Response to Proposed SNAP Cuts
Local anti‐hunger advocates supporting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) held a press conference today Covenant House in response to a likely vote in the U.S. House of Representatives this week that would years and affect up to six million Americans. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
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