Tag: Environment

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Action Alert CAG June 16, 2019
Reminder & Update: Education Rally & Teach-In Monday, Resist Rockwool Wednesday
This is just a friendly reminder about tomorrow's (Monday, June 17th) student-led rally and teach-in in support of public education. Students, parents and community members who want to show solidarity with our hard-working teachers and school service personnel, please join us at 10 AM in front of the House chamber. We also wanted to let you know that Monday's planned actions against Rockwool have been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 19th. Please check this event's Facebook page for updates and locations. Eastern panhandle residents would love supporters to join them. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentFamilies
Action Alert CAG April 25, 2019
Join the team: Volunteers and interns needed!
WV Citizen Action is a growing organization that's dedicated to economic justice, a clean environment, building political power, and creating a democracy that works for all of us -- not just the privileged few. This year we're expanding our grassroots organizing support for communities around the state and our efforts to influence elections. But we need your help to get there. Just a few hours of your time each week can make a big difference -- so please join our core team of volunteers! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFamilies
Action Alert   March 20, 2019
Join WV CAG at the People’s Action Convention!
We're excited to invite YOU to be a part of the Second Annual People's Action Convention with us! The application to apply for a chance to attend with WV CAG staff, board members, and supporters is live now. Why should you apply? Click to read our top three reasons! More
Issues: EnvironmentEventHealthcareInequality
Newsletter article CAG March 4, 2019
One Week to Go @ WV Legislature!
Each week keeps getting wilder at the 2019 legislature. Last week was no exception. Wednesday was "Crossover Day", when all bills needed to be passed out of their "house of origin." It was a week of highs and lows, but mostly lows. Read on to see what mischief, mayhem and madness transpired. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter CAG March 4, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 8
Each week keeps getting wilder at the 2019 legislature. Last week was no exception. Wednesday was "Crossover Day", when all bills needed to be passed out of their "house of origin." It was a week of highs and lows, but mostly lows. Read on to see what mischief, mayhem and madness transpired this past week and what's ahead! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG March 1, 2019
Citizen Action Needed to Stop Guns on Campus, Protect Our Water & More
This end of the week update that is time sensitive. Several bad bills made it past Crossover Day and need to be stopped ASAP, while one bill expanding Medicaid coverage needs some help to pass. Both the House and Senate will be in session tomorrow (Saturday) so lawmakers will be at the Capitol at least through the morning. So please take a few minutes to make some calls before you get on with your weekend chores. Thanks! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter CAG February 25, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 7
Wednesday the 27th is "crossover day", when all bills introduced must pass out of their house of origin or be sent to the shredder. This is a much feared and anticipated deadline and will clear a lot of bad bills off our watch list, but also kill off many of the positive efforts of ours and our allies - sigh. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG February 18, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 6
One of the newer millennial lobbyists, who is also a poet and performer, has written a hilarious performance piece on the annual antics at the legislature, comparing it to her school days at Capitol High. This comparison fits far too often. As the session rolls along to its final days in early March, I’m reminded of “Capitol High” and smile daily. Thanks, Crystal! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter CAG February 11, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 5
We're half-way through legislative session. Can you believe it?! Now that the midpoint is passed, several significant deadlines are looming for those trying to pass or kill off legislation. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFamilies
Newsletter article CAG February 10, 2019
Half-Way There
Last Thursday was day 30 of the 60-day legislative session. It was also Environment Day (E-Day) and All Kinds Are Welcome Here Lobby Day. Meanwhile, the polluters and the bigots were busy doing their dirty work in committees and in the chambers. Now that the midpoint is passed, several significant deadlines are looming, which up the ante for those who are working to pass more progressive policies in a body with a conservative leadership. More here, on what's moving and languishing. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Newsletter CAG February 4, 2019
Capital Eye: Volume 12, Number 4
This week, two contentious bills were moving fast – the Ominous Education Overhaul bill and one putting foster kids into managed care organizations (MCOs). Both will get increased scrutiny as they move to the other side. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter article CAG January 28, 2019
Week Three Heats Things Up
The 2019 WV Legislature now has 1,119 bills on its plate and is starting to get a heartburn that Tums won’t cure. The first three bills described below are a major source of the legislative indigestion. They cover foster care, education, and yet again, the courts. More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Newsletter CAG January 28, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 3
The 2019 WV Legislature now has 1,119 bills on its plate and is starting to get a heartburn that Tums won’t cure. Foster care, education, and courts - described below in this week's articles - are a major source of the legislative indigestion. This tends to happen when one political party has control of all three branches of government - there is no reason to compromise so there is little reasoning going into major legislation. Rather, ideology prevails. Read on to learn more and find how you can take action! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironment
Newsletter CAG January 21, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 2
Week two at the legislature was a busy one. Meetings with potential bill sponsors, checking daily bills introduced (now totaling 876), monitoring committees as they take up and amend legislation. This is just the daily grind. More here on some of the good, bad, and just plain ugly bills that we’re either promoting or trying to stop here, as well as actions you can take to help end the government shutdown, protect our water and our health, and strengthen our democracy. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter article CAG January 21, 2019
Week Two – Full to Overflowing!
Week two at the legislature was a busy one. Meetings with potential bill sponsors, checking daily bills introduced (now totaling 876), monitoring committees as they take up and amend legislation. This is just the daily grind. Then there are the special events and actions we’re co-sponsoring and/or showing up for. More about the some of these activities, and a short list of the good, bad, and just plain ugly bills that we’re either promoting or trying to stop here. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter CAG January 14, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 1
It's a new year, and a new legislature. In this issue of the Capital Eye, we give you a glimpse at some of the upcoming fights and things to watch for, as well as a list of resources to help you be an informed activist throughout the session. We've only scratched the surface of both the potential damage and opportunities that abound during this current 60-day legislative session, so please stay tuned to our weekly updates. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter article CAG January 13, 2019
2019 Legislative Session Kicks Off
The 2019 session of the WV Legislature kicked off on Wednesday, January 9. Here's a glimpse at some of the upcoming fights and things to watch for, and a list of resources to help you be an informed activist throughout the session. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnvironmentFair taxationHealthcare
Action Alert CAG October 5, 2018
Last Chance to Stop Kavanaugh – Call Now
Unfortunately, Brett Kavanaugh just got closer to confirmation. Earlier today, the Senate voted 51-49 to advance Kavanaugh's nomination to a final vote. Senator Joe Manchin was among those who voted to advance the nomination, but that doesn't mean the fight is over. He and other Senators who voted 'Yes' on this procedural vote could still vote 'NO' in the end. Please call Senator Manchin and tell him to vote NO on Kavanaugh before it's too late - (202)-224-3954. For the sake of every survivor, and for everyone of us who will be harmed by the anti-democratic decisions he will make if he gets a lifetime appointment to the court, we must continue to make our voices heard.  More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG July 9, 2018
Speak Out for Water Protections, Against Family Separations; Support Youth Organizing in WV
We're writing to let you know about opportunities this week to speak out for water protections for West Virginia, and against the Trump administration's separation of families. We also wanted to let you know about a special opportunity to support youth organizing in West Virginia this summer. Keep reading to learn more, then raise your voice and speak out on these important issues! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentFamilies
Action Alert CAG July 9, 2018
Raise Your Voice! – Speak Out for Water Protections, Against Family Separations; Support Youth Organizing in West Virginia
There are several opportunities this week to make your voice heard on water protections for West Virginia, the Trump administration's separation of families, the next nominee to the US Supreme Court, and more. We also wanted to let you know about a special opportunity to support youth organizing in West Virginia this summer. Keep reading to learn more, then raise your voice and speak out on these important issues! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentFamilies
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