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Newsletter CAG February 26, 2018
Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 7
Last week was Strike Week at the Legislature, with Thursday and Friday being Day 1 and 2 of a statewide walkout by teachers and school service personnel demanding better wages and a permanent fix to PEIA. On Thursday, more than 5,000 people entered the Capitol through two public access points, with equally large crowds gathering on subsequent days of the ongoing strike. Despite the presence of thousands of outraged teachers and state employees and more pressing issues to deal with, the "bad idea factory" keeps churning undeterred.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter article CAG February 26, 2018
Tell Your Delegate: A Tiny Minority Doesn’t Get to Decide My Rights
West Virginia made headlines in 2016 for passing more LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinances than any other state. But a bill making its way through the state Legislature is designed to stop our march toward fairness and equality in its tracks. HB 4158 empowers the fringe to upend protections for real people. Please take action today! This bill is moving fast. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Newsletter article CAG February 26, 2018
Where Are They Now?
Here's a quick update on on several bills we wrote about last week, including redistricting reform, co-tenancy, and LEEP. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironment
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett February 26, 2018
Strike Week at the Legislature
In this article: Hunger Games Continue; Teachers Strike On; Governor Justice MIA; Corporate Welfare Lives; Religious Nanny State; Medical Cannabis Update; Crossover Day; Greens Keep Us Going More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and familiesOur children our futurePovertySNAPWorkers
Action Alert   February 25, 2018
We Need Real Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis
Healthcare is shaping up to be a major issue in the 2018 elections. More and more West Virginians are struggling to afford healthcare, and Congress is taking us in the wrong direction with threatened cuts to crucial programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Join us at one of two upcoming healthcare forums to learn more about how our healthcare system got so complicated, why it's under attack and what we can do in 2018 to push for real solutions to the healthcare crisis. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Action Alert   February 25, 2018
SB 600: Handouts to Industry at the Expense of the Rest of Us
SB 600 offers discounted electric rates to industrial users and manufacturers whose rates, like everyone’s, have continued to skyrocket in the past few years. However, someone is going to have to make up the cost of these discounts and, it’s not going to be the utility shareholders. The bill is on the fast track, having cleared two Senate committees in two days, and is now on the Senate floor where it will be up for a final vote on Tuesday. Call or email your Senators now and ask them to oppose SB 600. Tell them not to give manufacturers a discount on their electric bills at the expense of the rest of us.  More
Issues: Energy
Action Alert   February 21, 2018
Ask the House Finance Committee to Pass the LEEP Act
Great news! We're one step closer to growing energy efficiency jobs in West Virginia. On Tuesday, the House Energy Committee approved HB 2534, the Local Energy Efficiency Partnership (LEEP) Act. Please email Finance committee members and ask them to approve the bill and send it to the full House for a vote.  More
Issues: EnergyEnergy efficiency
Newsletter CAG February 18, 2018
Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 6
Week six of the 2018 legislative session kicked off with a public hearing on a bill to restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) and other vital safety net programs, and wrapped up with thousands of teachers filling the halls of the Capitol to demand better pay and a fix for PEIA. Read more about the status of these and other proposals including campus carry, co-tenancy, and bills to reshape our judicial system; and actions you can take to support redistricting reform and energy efficiency, and oppose logging in our state parks.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter article   February 18, 2018
Grow Energy Efficiency Jobs: Tell House Energy Committee to Pass the LEEP Act!
HB 2534, the Local Energy Efficiency Partnership (LEEP) Act is in the House Energy Committee and must be passed by both the House Energy and Finance Committees before it can be voted on by the full House. Time is short to get the bill passed and over to the Senate. Energy efficiency is good for our economy by creating jobs, improving our buildings, and making it easier for our businesses and families to stay in West Virginia. Energy efficiency jobs pay for themselves through utility savings. Please contact members of the House Energy Committee and Chair Bill Anderson (R-Wood) now and urge them to support HB 2534.  More
Issues: EnergyEnergy efficiency
Newsletter article CAG February 18, 2018
Senate Passes Intermediate Court Bill, Judicial Budget Amendment
On Thursday, the Senate passed two measures that could dramatically reshape the judicial system in West Virginia. The first is a proposal (SB 341) that would establish an intermediate court of appeals between the level of circuit court and the state Supreme Court to hear civil appeals, appeals of workers’ compensation claims, abuse and neglect cases and some other administrative appeals. The other measure passed by the Senate (SJR 3) is a proposed Judicial Budget Amendment, which would amend the state constitution to give the Legislature oversight of the judiciary's budget. This is in response to a recent spending scandal involving extravagant renovations to the private chambers of the Supreme Court justices. More details here. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter article Julie Archer February 18, 2018
“Co-Tenancy” Bill Passes House of Delegates
On Thursday, the House of Delegates passes a the “co-tenancy” bill (HB 4268), with 60 votes for, and 40 votes against. As the bill came to the floor from the House Judiciary Committee it contained important protections for surface owners, requiring their consent for any surface disturbance whenever the co-tenancy law is used to develop the mineral tract beneath a surface owners’ land or into any neighboring mineral tract, regardless of whether the surface owner owns an interest in the mineral tract being developed. This is significant. The bill also contained protections for the non-consenting, and missing and unknown mineral owners that were not included in the introduced bill. On the floor, two other amendments were adopted that provide additional protections for these mineral owners. HB 4268 is now in the Senate where it has been assigned to the Energy, Industry, and Mining Committee, and the Judiciary Committee. More
Issues: EnergyFracking
Newsletter article CAG February 18, 2018
Redistricting Bill Sent to House Floor Without Independent Commission
Establishing a specific list of factors that can (and cannot) consider in the redistricting process, including factors designed to promote partisan fairness and prevent favoritism toward incumbents, is an improvement, these goals would be more easily accomplished if we appointed someone other than legislators to draw legislative district maps. We need to let our delegates know that we want a process that is impartial, transparent, and accountable. This means having an independent redistricting commission lead redistricting efforts, providing ample opportunities for public participation throughout the process, and clear standards to guide the process that ensure equality and fairness. Contact your delegate(s) today and tell them to support fair districts and fair elections. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter article CAG February 18, 2018
SNAP Work Requirements Headed for a Vote in the House
HB 4001, which would further restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) and other vital safety net programs by imposing work requirements on recipients of public assistance, and require the West Virginia DHHR to implement a costly new comprehensive verification system is headed for a vote in the House of Delegates. After a public hearing on Monday, the House Judiciary Committee took up and passed a version of the bill that made significant changes to the proposal, however the proposed changes to SNAP will still hurt our people and our economy. Contact your delegate(s) and tell them to vote NO on HB 4001. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
Newsletter article CAG February 18, 2018
“Fed Up Friday” Wraps Up Week 6
In this article: Fed Up Teachers; Free-Dumb Bill of the Week: Concealed Carry on Campus; Medical Cannabis Board to Make Recommendations; SOSParks; Coal Celebrates Gazette Bankruptcy; Keep Those Checks Coming More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
Newsletter article CAG February 13, 2018
Week 5: Halfway
We are now halfway through the 2018 legislative session. Soon cut-off days will be reached when bills can no longer be introduced (thankfully) and then ‘crossover day’ when bills have to be voted out of their house of origin or die. As these kick-in, its full speed ahead into the maelstrom of late evening committee meetings, early morning public hearings, and longer and longer floor sessions. One thing that helps us get through this is YOU! In this article: We Won't Blink; Abortion Amendment Passes Senate; Teachers' Pay; Paycheck Deception; Correctional Officers' Pay Bump?; All Things Environmental More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyEnergyFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter article   February 13, 2018
FirstEnergy Ends Bid to Sell Pleasants Plant
In a notice filed Monday, Feb. 5, with the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, FirstEnergy Corp. stated that it will stop fighting to transfer ownership of the Pleasants Power Plant to Monongahela Power and Potomac Edison, FirstEnergy’s West Virginia utilities. This is a major win for the 530,000 Mon Power and Potomac Edison consumers in West Virginia. This deal was bad from the beginning and the extensive evidence presented at the PSC proceeding made clear that the proposed transfer would benefit FirstEnergy and hurt West Virginians struggling to survive in today’s economy. More
Issues: EnergyEnergy efficiency
Newsletter article CAG February 13, 2018
House Judiciary Sub-Committee Nixes Redistricting Commission in Favor of Status Quo
We've written a couple of times about a bill (HB 2383) under consideration by a House Judiciary Sub-Committee the would establish an independent redistricting commission to redraw the boundaries of West Virginia's legislative and congressional districts after the 2020 Census. When the subcommittee met for the final time with the goal of approving a final bill an amendment to take out the commission and continue to leave the process of drawing legislative and congressional district maps up to the legislature was adopted, undermining the original intent of the bill, and maintaining the status quo. Voters should be choosing their elected officials, not the other way around. Let your delegate(s) know you are disappointed with this development. Urge them to honor the original intent of the bill and appoint someone other than legislators to draw legislative district maps. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Newsletter CAG February 13, 2018
Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 5
We are now halfway through the 2018 legislative session. We started off last week with FirstEnergy filing a notice with the Public Service Commission that it will stop fighting to transfer ownership of the Pleasants Power Plant to its West Virginia utilities. This is a major win for the 530,000 Mon Power and Potomac Edison consumers in West Virginia! Learn more about this victory and what's happening at the Capitol on redistricting, "co-tenancy," and more in this week's Capital Eye.  More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter article Julie Archer February 12, 2018
Improved “Co-Tenancy” Bill Clears House Judiciary Committee
After Friday's public hearing on the "co-tenancy" bill (HB 4268), the House Judiciary Committee took up and passed an improved version of the bill that, most importantly, addresses the problems we raised regarding surface use and the need to require surface owner's consent. If version of HB 4268 that came out of the House Judiciary Committee passes, if the driller uses the statute to get the right to drill into the mineral tract beneath a surface owners' land or into any neighboring mineral tract, the driller will have to get the agreement of the surface owner to locate the well pad on their surface, regardless of whether the surface owner owns an interest in the minerals. Requiring the surface owners consent is very important, and a significant improvement that makes it worth supporting the bill. Why? Read more here. More
Issues: EnergyFracking
Action Alert CAG February 10, 2018
Don’t Punish Families That Rely on SNAP & Other Safety Net Programs
Similar to last year, some members of the West Virginia House have introduced a bill (H.B. 4001) that would further restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) and other vital safety net programs. On Monday, February 12 at 8:30AM, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on HB 4001 in the House Chamber. If you can’t make it to Charleston, please contact House Judiciary Committee members and your delegate(s). Tell them not to punish families who rely on SNAP, Medicaid, and other safety net programs. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
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