Tag: Jobs

7 posts found

Action Alert CAG February 26, 2024
Tell Governor Justice to Veto SB 841
Tell Governor Justice to stand with workers, reject proposed cuts to unemployment compensation and veto SB 841.  More
Issues: JobsUnemployment benefitsWorkers
Action Alert   May 8, 2023
We Want to Hear from YOU! WV Vision Survey
Envision the type of West Virginia you want to raise your children, or grow old in. Complete our survey to join other West Virginians to create the vision they want to inhabit. This data is being collected in hopes of shaping policies and platforms to address concerns and improve the lives of all West Virginians. Lend us your voice & share your vision for WV! More
Issues: JobsOur children our future
Action Alert Eve Marcum-Atkinson July 20, 2021
Thursday 7/22: PRO Act Rallies in Charleston & Martinsburg
Please join West Virginia AFL-CIO leaders, West Virginia union members and friends, for an in-person rally outside the offices of Senator Shelley Moore Capito on Thursday, July 22, beginning at 11:30 am, to urge Senator Capito to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.  More
Issues: JobsWorkers
Action Alert Eve Marcum-Atkinson June 23, 2021
Welcome Gathering! WV Working Families Party
Are you looking for a place to connect with others about your dreams frustrations and visions for West Virginia? WVWFP is on a mission to bring joy and power back to the people! More
Issues: Fair RepresentationJobs
Press Release CAG April 29, 2021
THRIVE Act introduced: $10 trillion infrastructure plan prioritizes climate, care, jobs and justice
Members of Congress backed by a cross-movement nationwide grassroots organizing effort announced the formal introduction of the THRIVE Act in Congress today. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnergyEnvironmentJobsWorkers
Action Alert   April 27, 2021
33rd Annual Workers Memorial Ceremony – Facebook Live Event
The West Virginia AFL-CIO is inviting the press and public to view a Facebook Live event at noon Wednesday, April 28, to honor the 17 West Virginians lost on the job in 2020. More
Issues: Jobs
Citizen Action Group Blog   April 14, 2021
This morning, the Ohio River Valley Institute and ReImagine Appalachia released a striking set of new reports detailing how Appalachian communities can create more than 30,000 new jobs by reclaiming and remediating abandoned coal mines and oil and gas wells.  More
Issues: EnvironmentJobs