Press Release Archive

159 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Press Release Gary Zuckett September 24, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Groups to Hold a Car-A-Van Around Senator Capito’s Office
Charleston WV- WV Community groups will be holding a press briefing along with a physical-distanced roving Car Demonstration to underline their message that, instead of taking time to consider any Supreme Court nominations, the Senate should be doing its job and passing a second round of Covid relief to protect families from eviction, provide food security and protect front line workers. More
Category A - Drinking Water
Press Release CAG September 23, 2020
IN THE NEWS: Legislators & citizen groups call for a stronger water quality rule
West Virginia legislators called for a strong water quality rule at a virtual press conference hosted by West Virginia Citizen Action Group and the West Virginia Environmental Council. More
Issues: EnvironmentWater
Press Release CAG September 23, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Community Health and Justice Groups Call on Senate to Protect Our Care, Let Next President Appoint to SCOTUS
As we continue through the worst health crisis the United States--and the world--has seen in our lifetime, no less than the health care of the entire country is in the hands of the Supreme Court. Looming over the discussions of installing a new justice before the November 3rd election is the lawsuit challenging the Affordable Health Act (ACA). This lawsuit, California vs US,  is due to be heard at our highest Court on November 10th. More
Issues: DemocracyHealthcare
Press Release   May 12, 2020
At-Risk Workers Shouldn’t Lose Unemployment
WV-CAG joined 20 other legal, social justice, labor and faith groups in calling on Gov. Jim Justice, Commerce Secretary Ed Gaunch, and Workforce WV to use their emergency and regular powers to protect workers from losing unemployment if they or family members are at risk due to COVID-19 and they decline to immediately return to work when their employers reopen. More
Issues: HealthcareUnemployment benefitsWorkers
Press Release CAG March 27, 2020
Coalition Calls on Governor to Reduce Jail Populations Due to COVID-19
With the daily spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in West Virginia, public and private entities are taking significant steps to prevent a flood of cases that would overwhelm our health care system. In this context, public health experts, homelessness advocates, criminal justice leaders, and other concerned individuals call on Gov. Jim Justice to use his executive authority to minimize the harm inflicted on inmates and correctional staff in West Virginia – and, by extension, the harm inflicted on our communities. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Press Release CAG May 18, 2018
House Farm Bill Should Protect SNAP and Health Care Rather Than Attacking Our Most Vulnerable
In response to the partisan vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on a version of the Farm Bill that includes new restrictions and cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Health Care for America Now released a statement calling on lawmakers to continue to reject partisan bills that cut food assistance and threaten health care, and develop a bipartisan measure that recognizes the importance of ensuring people have enough food to eat. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
Press Release   April 25, 2018
New Election App Helps Voters Choose Candidates
On the first day of early voting, WV Citizen Action Education Fund (WV CAEF), our 501c3 sister organization, is excited to announce a new resource for helping voters identify candidates and issues they support with a new, easy to use election app called BallotReady. BallotReady is a non-partisan civic engagement tool that enables users to find comprehensive ballot information for their own voting precinct. The tool displays candidate bios, stances, endorsements, and relevant news all in one place; and helps users to find their polling place, make a plan to vote, easily save, and be reminded of the information prior to and on Election Day. More
Press Release   April 17, 2018
New ‘Tax Day’ Study Reports on How Tax Law Enriches Corporations, Wealthy While Putting Health Care, Public Services at Risk
Today, WV Citizen Action released a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now detailing the affects of the tax cut package on families in West Virginia and compares that with the tax benefits that health insurance companies and prescription drug manufacturers receive under the same law. Read the full report and highlights here. More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareSNAPSocial security
Press Release CAG October 20, 2017
Senator Capito Votes for Senate Budget Resolution That Puts Health Care for West Virginia Families at Risk
The budget resolution sets up blueprint for tax cuts that mostly benefit wealthy households while cutting health care and education for everyone else. Senator Capito voted for the Resolution that could put Medicaid for 438,000 West Virginians at risk as well as Medicare for 416,000 seniors and people with disabilities. Time and time again, Senator Capito has shown that, despite what she says, her priorities are taking care of the wealthy and big business, not her constituents. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Press Release   October 18, 2017
West Virginia Families Will Be Harmed by Proposed Senate Budget
The Republican’s proposed budget will be very harmful to West Virginia’s families if it becomes law. It slashes funding for vital services and programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and education in order to provide huge tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations while raising taxes many working families who are already struggling to make ends meet. Read our complete statement on this immoral scheme and its effects on West Virginia families. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Press Release CAG May 31, 2017
Press Release: WV Citizens Announce Support for “A 21st Century New Deal” on Infrastructure
WV Citizen Action Group hosted a media teleconference to announce support for the “21st Century New Deal”—a massive infrastructure proposal developed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus to create millions of jobs rebuilding our crumbling roadways, bridges, and schools. Executive Director of WV CAG, Gary Zuckett discussed the proposal and how it would impact WV and our unique infrastructure needs. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnergy
Press Release   May 4, 2017
Press Release: GOP Repeal Bill Strips Health Care from Millions to Finance $600 Billion Tax Giveaway to Corporations, and 1%
In a shameful display of partisan politics at its worst, all three of our Congressmen voted to take health care away from 184,000 West Virginians, short-change Americans with pre-existing conditions, slash Medicaid, and raise health care costs for all families to give over $600 billion in tax cuts to the very wealthy and big insurance and drug companies. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Press Release   April 23, 2017
From Protest to Power: WV CAG Members and Staff Heading to D.C. for People’s Action “Rise Up” Convention
More than a thousand activists from throughout the country, including seven from West Virginia Citizen Action Group are participating at “Rise Up,” the People’s Action founding convention in Washington D.C. April 23-25. WV CAG is proud to join other communities and organizations nationwide to defend our values, fight for clean water and clean elections at the legislature, and beat back the conservative effort to take health care away from families and hometowns. This is a historic conference that will unleash the power of people-centered politics, with racial and gender justice at the forefront, and the needs of West Virginia families and communities at the heart. More
Issues: Event
Press Release   April 18, 2017
Press Release: New Tax Day Report Shows How Republican Repeal of ACA Gives $600 billion in Tax Breaks to the Wealthy and Big Corporations While Cutting Health Care for Everyone Else
WV Citizen Action Group today joined two national groups, Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now (HCAN), to release a joint report entitled, Republican Health Care Repeal Plan: Tax Cuts for the Rich, Health Care Cuts for Everyone Else, details how the Republican plan to repeal the ACA would give billions in tax breaks to wealthy households, insurance companies and drug manufacturers, paid for by cutting the health care of low- and moderate-income families. More
Press Release CAG April 14, 2017
Former WV Secretary of State Natalie Tennant Joins Brennan Center for Justice
Former West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant has joined the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law as Manager of State Advocacy on voting rights and elections. Tennant served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2017 and was instrumental in passing automatic voter registration in West Virginia last year. She will use that experience and expertise at the Brennan Center to help advance automatic registration legislation and policy initiatives in the states, as well as other reforms to improve the voter registration and voting process. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Press Release CAG October 20, 2016
WV Citizen Action Group Releases Legislative Scorecard for 2015-16 Sessions: “Heroes & Zeros”
WV Citizen Action Group released its 2015-16 legislative scorecard - “Heroes and Zeros” - today rating the 82nd West Virginia Legislature for their votes on a variety of public policy issues. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyFamiliesWorkers
Press Release CAG May 11, 2016
Special Interests Win in Supreme Court Takeover
Wealthy special interests groups pulled off another victory in a West Virginia Supreme Court race. After spending more than $2 million in support of Beth Walker’s candidacy, these anonymous groups have duplicated the feat Don Blankenship pulled off 12 years ago. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Press Release Gary Zuckett April 15, 2015
Tax Dodging Fortune 500 Companies
Citizen Action calls for closing loopholes on “Tax Dodging Dozen” Fortune 500 Companies who paid zero 2014 income taxes More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG October 13, 2013
Citizens to Hold Cease and Desist Action at Rep. Shelley Moore Capito’s Office
West Virginia Citizen Action Group and other labor and social justice organizations will be issuing a cease and desist order to Rep Shelley Capito’s office asking her to stop going along with her party’s extreme politics that’s destroying the American dream. More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareSNAP
Press Release CAG October 8, 2013
West Virginia Citizen Action Group To Appeal PSC Order
The West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WVCAG) announced today that it would appeal to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals the order of the Public Service Commission approving Mon Power and Potomac Edison’s proposal to purchase – at a $257 million markup – 80% of the Harrison Power Plant from their affiliated company, Allegheny Energy Supply. More
Issues: EnergyInequality
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