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Action Alert Ciera Pennington September 29, 2015
Time is running out…
During the upcoming legislative session, one of WV CAG’s focuses will be on passing a state-based earned income tax credit (EITC); this happens to be one of the policy proposals for the Our Children, Our Future campaign. We need your help to get the WV EITC on the 2016 OCOF platform! More
Issues: Fair taxationInequalityKids and familiesOur children our futurePoverty
Newsletter CAG September 22, 2015
Capital Eye, Fall 2015
Check out our Fall 2015 'Capital Eye' newsletter! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamilies
Action Alert Ciera Pennington September 22, 2015
Vote to decide the 2016 OCOF public policy platform!
Earlier this week, the Our Children, Our Future campaign held their annual Policy Summit. WV CAG, along with other member organizations and citizens from all across the state came to the capitol to hear about the 18 policy proposals, connect with others, and speak with legislators. More
Issues: InequalityKids and familiesOur children our future
Action Alert Ciera Pennington September 21, 2015
Are you interested in going solar?
This week, West Virginia Solar United Neighbors (WV SUN) will be relaunching the Kanawha County Solar Co-op with two information meetings. Come learn more about this co-op, a group of neighbors who are using their collective buying power to save on the total cost of going solar! More
Issues: Energy efficiencyEvent
Action Alert Ciera Pennington September 18, 2015
Nuns on the Bus coming to WV!
Network's Nuns on the Bus are on the road once again...and they'll be stopping in Wheeling, WV on MONDAY! The bus tour is aimed to get citizens engaged and voting, as well as a chance for Network to collect stories and support to take on Congress. More
Issues: Event
Advocacy Letter CAG September 17, 2015
Coalition Letter to House Opposing HR 1737 Auto Discrimination
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we urge you to oppose H.R. 1737, the so-called “Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act.” This legislation is simply an effort to stop the CFPB from enforcing laws against discrimination. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFamilies
Action Alert Ciera Pennington September 8, 2015
Demand a safe, locally owned water system!
Nearly two years after the water crisis, New Jersey-based West Virginia American Water is still refusing to invest in a safe water system, while letting our infrastructure fall apart and raising our rates! We are far from having the safe water system we need and deserve. More
Issues: EventMCHMWater
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett September 2, 2015
Huffing C8
I finally read The Huffington Post’s ”Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia“ article when an international reporter called to interview me about it the other day. I originally skipped over it as I’ve followed the C8 news as the story was unfolding and even had friends who grew up there. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Action Alert CAG August 27, 2015
Local Events on the Iran Deal
Over the past several weeks WV CAG has been coordinating efforts with one of our old allies, WV Patriots for Peace (WVPP), to try to inject some sanity into the local debate over the proposed Iran Deal. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Action Alert Ciera Pennington August 24, 2015
Upcoming OCOF events; RSVP today!
Our Children, Our Future is a state-wide campaign of over 150 organizations – WV CAG being one of them! – working to end child poverty in West Virginia. Each year the campaign accepts a variety of policy proposals, five of which will go on to be the campaign’s primary focus during the legislative session. More
Issues: EventInequalityKids and familiesOur children our future
Action Alert Ciera Pennington August 17, 2015
It’s time to #FixOvertime!
Right now, salaried workers in the United States are only eligible for overtime pay if they are paid less than $23,660 annually – essentially poverty wages. More
Issues: InequalityWorkers
Action Alert Ciera Pennington August 13, 2015
Attend the WV Freedom School!
West Virginia Citizen Action Group is co-sponsoring the American Friends Service Committee’s (AFSC) WV Freedom School, a three-day intensive workshop where young people ages 14-22 will learn about the history of race and racism in our country. Those attending will also learn how to do a power analysis of their community to understand how and why racism and racial inequality persist today. Most importantly, attendees will leave knowing how to organize in their school or community to help build and lead the movement in West Virginia. More
Issues: EventInequality
Action Alert CAG August 3, 2015
Ask Congress to Support Iran Nuclear Deal
Congress is in a battle over a proposed Iran Nuclear Deal that would dramatically curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for easing international sanctions on Iran. Republicans are working to kill the deal and put the United States back on a path of confrontation that could lead to war. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
MCHM tanks
Action Alert CAG July 29, 2015
This Week: Comment on Tank & Water Regs; Register for Beckley Policy Forum
Comment This Week on Tank & Water Regs Support a Safe Water System: Yard Signs Available Don't Forget to Register for Our Children, Our Future Policy Forums - Thursday Deadline to Register for Beckley Forum More
Issues: EnvironmentFamilies
Action Alert Julie Archer July 24, 2015
Register Now for Our Children, Our Future Policy Forums
WV Citizen Action is a co-sponsor of the Our Children, Our Future campaign's Policy Forums in August and we would like to invite our members to participate in this dynamic form of grassroots activism! More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesOur children our futureRight to work
Action Alert Julie Archer July 7, 2015
Contact Senator Capito to Help End Child Hunger
The summer is in full swing and Congress is moving quickly to make important decisions about our country’s priorities.The Senate Appropriations subcommittee tasked with the Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) is expected to make recommendations soon about funding for the program. The full Senate Appropriations Committee will then consider the program and make its recommendations to the full Senate. Our junior Senator Shelley Moore Capito sits on this important committee. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFamilies
Citizen Action Group
Citizen Action Group Blog Gary Zuckett July 2, 2015
WV Citizen Action is Hiring!
WV Citizen Action is seeking to fill two staff positions: a Development Director and a VISTA intern for Energy Efficient West Virginia. More
Action Alert CAG June 12, 2015
Families Need Earned Sick Days, Ask Sen Manchin to co-sponsor!
Recently Sen. Manchin voted for an amendment in support of Earned Sick Leave. West Virginia Citizen Action and our national affiliate USAction think it’s times to ask him to take the next step… More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG June 11, 2015
Not so Fast Track!
Call Congress today to oppose Fast Tracking the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership treaty): 1-888-966-9836. The TPP has been negotiated in total secrecy with lobbyists of the trans-national corporations and is much more than the simple “Free Trade” deal it's being promoted as. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
Action Alert CAG June 3, 2015
Call Today to Stop TPP; Movie Screening, First Friday This Week
Any day now, Congress will vote on a massive outsourcing trade. This deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will directly impact the ability of labor unions to negotiate fair contracts this year. All jobs are tradable – including call center work – and this deal will move jobs to Vietnam & Malaysia.Congress has to hear from us, not just from corporate CEOs.Join us for this Day of Action! Call Your Representative Today, June 3. More
Issues: DemocracyEconomyWorkers
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