Posts by CAG


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Low wage workers in WV
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG May 1, 2014
Senate Republicans Block Vote on Giving American a Raise
WV Citizen Action Group applauds Senators Rockefeller and Manchin, all Senate and House Democrats and Labor Secretary Tom Perez for fighting to raise the wage for 28 million American workers. Voters nationwide will remember in November who stood up for an America that works for all of us, not just Wall Street and their millionaire CEOs. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesWorkers
Citizen Action Group
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG January 10, 2014
WV Citizen Action Group 2014 Public Policy Priorities
Thousands of hard working West Virginians earn minimum wage, but no matter how hard they work, minimum wage is simply not enough to cover their basic needs, like food, rent and health. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnergyHealthcare
Press Release CAG October 13, 2013
Citizens to Hold Cease and Desist Action at Rep. Shelley Moore Capito’s Office
West Virginia Citizen Action Group and other labor and social justice organizations will be issuing a cease and desist order to Rep Shelley Capito’s office asking her to stop going along with her party’s extreme politics that’s destroying the American dream. More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareSNAP
Press Release CAG October 8, 2013
West Virginia Citizen Action Group To Appeal PSC Order
The West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WVCAG) announced today that it would appeal to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals the order of the Public Service Commission approving Mon Power and Potomac Edison’s proposal to purchase – at a $257 million markup – 80% of the Harrison Power Plant from their affiliated company, Allegheny Energy Supply. More
Issues: EnergyInequality
Press Release CAG September 21, 2013
Citizen Action Statement on House GOP’s SNAP Cuts
Less than 24 hours after passing a bill to slash food assistance* for nearly 4 million vulnerable Americans, House Republicans today passed a short-term spending measure to keep the federal government in business but included a poison pill that defunds the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Press Release CAG September 18, 2013
WV Faith & Civic Groups Call for an End to Political “Hunger Games” in Response to Proposed SNAP Cuts
Local anti‐hunger advocates supporting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) held a press conference today Covenant House in response to a likely vote in the U.S. House of Representatives this week that would years and affect up to six million Americans. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
Press Release CAG August 26, 2013
Citizen Action Group Files Objection to Harrison Case Settlement
West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV-CAG) filed a formal objection with the W.Va. Public Service Commission Friday, contending that a proposed settlement agreeing to the purchase of the Harrison power station should not be approved and that the companies’ petition should be denied in its entirety. WV-CAG argues that the price that ratepayers are being asked to pay for Harrison is still way too high and that acquiring the plant will increase long-term price risks for ratepayers. More
Issues: Energy
Press Release CAG August 7, 2013
Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Calling on Corporate America to Pay Its Fair Share
At a time when the 1% have demanded so much sacrifice from working people in the name of deficit reduction, we must ask something of big corporations. That means “revenue positive” corporate tax reform that raises significant amounts of new tax revenue. We must start by ending all tax incentives for outsourcing jobs overseas, which would raise more than $583 billion in tax revenue over 10 years. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequalityWorkers
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG August 1, 2013
Offshore Shell Games: The Use of Offshore Tax Havensby the Top 100 Publicly Traded Companies
Many large U.S.-based multinational corporations avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to make profits made in America appear to be generated in offshore tax havens—countries with minimal or no taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG April 4, 2013
Picking Up the Tab 2013: Average Citizens and Small Businesses Pay the Price for Offshore Tax Havens
Some U.S.-based multinational firms and individuals avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to shift profits made in America to offshore tax havens—countries with minimal or no taxes. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Banking reform
Press Release CAG March 21, 2013
Citizens & Workers Call on Congress to Close Corporate Tax Loopholes
Activists expose Verizon’s stashed offshore profits; urge Senator Manchin to support $1 trillion in revenue from the richest 2% and Big Corporations during Senate budget debate More
Issues: Fair taxationInequalityWorkers
Press Release CAG March 18, 2013
MEDIA ADVISORY: Citizens Mark St. Patrick’s Holiday With A Call To “Put The Green” Into The Federal Budget
Activists expose Verizon’s stashed offshore profits; urge Senator Manchin to support $1 trillion in revenue from the richest 2% and corporations during Senate budget debate next week More
Issues: Fair taxationWorkers
Press Release CAG February 27, 2013
With Sequester Looming, Groups Call for Support for Social Programs
As part of a National Day of Action across the U.S., local social service and justice groups gathered for a roundtable discussion at City Hall with representatives from Senator Rockefeller’s and Manchin’s office to call for continued support for essential programs that help the needy and to look to the ever‐expanding Pentagon Budget for cuts. More
Issues: Fair taxationPoverty
Banking reform
Press Release CAG February 20, 2013
New U.S. PIRG Study Exposes the Real Cost of Tax Loopholes for WV Citizens
Revenue from Closing Overseas Tax Loopholes Should Be Collected Before Congress Makes Cuts to Education, Health Care and Other Vital Programs More
Issues: Fair taxation
Press Release CAG February 5, 2013
Offshore Tax Dodging Blows $106 Million Hole in WV Budget
– With West Virginia’s Budget under heavy pressure, WV Citizen Action, released a new study by U.S. PIRG revealing that West Virginia lost $106 million due to offshore tax dodging in 2012. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG February 5, 2013
The Hidden Cost of Offshore Tax Havens
When U.S. corporations and wealthy individuals use offshore tax havens to avoid paying taxes to the federal government, it is an abuse of our tax system. More
Issues: Fair taxation
Banking reform
Press Release CAG January 30, 2013
Citizen Groups Urge Senator Manchin to Protect Working Families By Standing Up For “Fair Taxes, Not Cuts”
WV Citizen Action, a member of Americans for Tax Fairness, delivered a message to Senator Manchin from several West Virginia groups today calling for Fair Taxes, Not Cuts as part of a national day of action in coordination with state and national labor, advocacy and faith groups. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG October 3, 2012
2012 Congressional Report Card: Rep. Shelley Moore Capito Failing Seniors
Did Congresswoman Capito Make the Grade on the Issues Seniors Care About Most? More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareSocial security
Press Release CAG July 31, 2012
Report Shows Impact to West Virginians of Ending Bush Tax Cuts for Richest 2%
2012) If the U.S. House of Representatives passes the Republican plan this week to extend the Bush‐era tax cuts for households making over $250,000, the wealthiest 1.7 percent of West Virginians in that income group could get a disproportionate 29 percent of the total tax breaks in their state. They’re average tax cut would be about $25,000. More
Issues: Fair taxationInequality
Press Release CAG July 30, 2012
West Virginia Citizen Action Urges Governor Tomblin to Mark Medicare and Medicaid’s 47th Anniversary by Providing More West Virginians with Health Security through Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law today in 1956 to make sure that working people, children, seniors, and people with disabilities could get the healthcare they need throughout their lives. It is this record of success that we should be building upon and expanding. More
Issues: Healthcare
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