Tag: Medicaid

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Newsletter article CAG March 3, 2024
Support HB 5647, Support Medicaid, Support Healthy WV
Legislators must put the health of WV first and vote YES on House Bill 5647, the bill that will fully fund Medicaid in the future. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article   February 15, 2024
Health Care for All – Week 6
Chances are many people you know and love get their medical coverage through Medicaid. Over 500,000 West Virginians do! Tell lawmakers to fund Medicaid fully, and not sacrifice the health of our children and families to balance the budget. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article   February 8, 2024
West Virginia Leaders Must Fully Fund Medicaid
As of December 2023, there are 516,100 West Virginians on Medicaid. This includes almost 50% of our children. But with the program facing a shortfall that is the result of lack of foresight about saving state Medicaid dollars during the Public Health Emergency, some state leaders are looking at more ways to save the state money, including cutting certain services. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article   January 31, 2024
Anti-Vax Bills are a Threat to Our Kids and Communities
West Virginia doesn’t have a great track record on health or health outcomes. But one thing we have been doing right is the success of our childhood immunization program. We are leaders in the nation in protecting our children and public health. Unfortunately, every year some members of our legislature try to roll back the laws on childhood immunizations. This year is no different. Around a dozen bills take aim at creating exemptions or eliminating protections for infants and children. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicaid
Newsletter article   January 24, 2024
January 23rd was Maternal Health Awareness Day
Access to maternal healthcare is a crisis around the country, especially rural states. More than 2.2 million US women live in maternity care deserts, which means that in their county there are no hospitals that provide obstetric care, birth centers, ob/gyns or certified nurse midwives. Women in the Mountain State deserve to have the best care before and after their babies are born. It is up to our leaders to make sure these services are available.  More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicaid
Newsletter article CAG January 18, 2024
Health Care for All-WV Priority #1: Protect Medicaid
The 2024 West Virginia Legislative Session is in full swing! For Health Care for All-WV our highest priority is protecting Medicaid. We 're also following other bills that will improve access to care for our most vulnerable. These include an increase to the Medicaid dental benefit for adults from $1000 to $2000. Stay tuned and we will keep you informed about the healthcare legislation that will affect you and your family. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaid
Action Alert Eve Marcum-Atkinson October 25, 2023
An URGENT Call for Aetna Claim Denial Stories
We have an URGENT need for health care stories about the Medicaid insurer Aetna Better Health of WV and what happens to people when their Doctor prescribed care has been denied. Help us fight denials on their behalf by bringing to light their struggles, making it public, and presenting these cases to Aetna. PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORY. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaid
Action AlertPress Release Eve Marcum-Atkinson July 28, 2023
MEDIA ADVISORY: Join Healthcare For All WV at 9th St. Live TONIGHT!
Celebrate the 58th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, unite for better healthcare, and share your healthcare story with us in Huntington, WV TONIGHT from 6-9PM! More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Press Release Eve Marcum-Atkinson July 27, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Medicare Patients Count Down to Lower Drug Costs As 58th Anniversary Approaches
Today, WV Citizen Action Group joins with patients, doctors and grassroots advocates around the nation for a “Countdown to Lower Drug Prices” day of action to celebrate lowering drug prices in Medicare as the program marks its 58th year.  More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidMedicarePrescription Drug Prices
Action Alert Cassandra Wiley July 20, 2023
Join HC4AWV at 9th St. Live, Friday, July 28th!
Join Healthcare for All WV at 9th St. Live on Friday evening, July 28th, in Huntington, WV for live music, community, and sharing your healthcare stories. From 6-9PM, we’ll be celebrating the anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, and inviting West Virginians to unite for better healthcare. We have some of the worst healthcare outcomes in the nation. That ain’t right! And we can do better. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog Eve Marcum-Atkinson July 17, 2023
Blog: My letter to Representative Miller’s Office on Healthcare in WV
Dear Emily, Thank you so much for meeting with our Healthcare For All West Virginia team on Tuesday, June 27th... Most especially, thank you for listening to our concerns as fellow West Virginians passionate about healthcare issues and relaying them to Representative Miller. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaidMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 11, 2023
Healthcare Team Goes To DC!
If these healthcare issues are important to you or your loved ones, please consider becoming a volunteer with Healthcare For All WV! Our healthcare team hit DC a couple weeks ago and met with congressional policy advisors to discuss a number of healthcare issues important to West Virginians. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidMedicarePrescription Drug Prices
Action Alert   May 19, 2023
Medicaid Work Requirements Would Be Disastrous for WV
As many as 220,000 West Virginians could lose their vital health coverage. Tell our Senators to stand up for West Virginia families, and vote to pass a debt ceiling extension without cuts or redtape barriers to Medicaid, food stamps and other programs. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicaidSNAP
Action Alert   March 28, 2023
What’s Up with Medicaid? Changes Coming Soon! – March 28th 6PM
Join WV Center on Budget and Policy on March 28 at 6PM for a brief webinar on the upcoming April 1st Medicaid roll cuts, who will be deemed ineligible, and how to stay updated on your coverage. More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareMedicaid
Newsletter article   March 7, 2023
An Affordable Medicaid Buy-In, plus Lowering Prescription and Insulin Prices NOW
HB 3274 is a Bridge to Financial Stability and Better Health! Also, Don’t Make West Virginians Wait Another Year for Help with High Prescription and Insulin Prices! More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidPrescription Drug Prices
Action Alert   March 1, 2023
Affordable Medicaid Buy-in and Insulin Bills Need Your Help to Become Law!
HB 3274, the Affordable Medicaid Buy-In bill, would allow thousands of lower income West Virginians to climb economic ladder and keep their vital health coverage. SB 577 would put a copay cap of $35 on insulin and $100 for supplies for those who are covered by traditional insurance. We are also seeking help on the very expensive supplies diabetics have to pay for beside insulin like test strips and continuous glucose monitors. These issue need your action today! More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidPrescription Drug Prices
Newsletter article   February 28, 2023
Affordable Insulin and Supplies Bill Passes the Senate – Needs Help in the House!
Please take 2 minutes today to call and express your support for the diabetics in your life and around the state. And help Medicaid recipients move safely towards better employment, without losing health coverage. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicaidPrescription Drug Prices
Action Alert   February 22, 2023
URGENT: Health Care Bills Need Your Help TODAY!
Take action TODAY to stop Campus Carry! Contact Governor Justice and tell him to veto SB 10, then let legilators know you support the Insulin and Supplies bill, the Medicaid Dental Coverage bill, and the Affordable Medicaid Buy In bill. Health care is vitally important to all of us, our loved ones, and our communities and these bills will improve health care access, affordability and equity for West Virginians. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicaidPrescription Drug Prices
Action Alert   February 16, 2023
URGENT: Health Care Bills Need Your Help to Get Out of Committee!
These health care issues need your action today! SB 269 would raise the Medicaid Dental Benefit from $1,000 to $2,000 a year for adult recipients. Dental and vision health are vital and inseparable from overall health. This bill is a natural next step to expand health equity in the state of West Virginia. SB 610 and HB 3274 could be a huge step in eliminating the "Medicaid Cliff Effect". Those who approach the Income eligibility cap for Medicaid would no longer have to try to figure out if they can afford a raise that would cost them their healthcare. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicaid
Newsletter article   February 7, 2023
Health Care – Week 4
Anti-trans bill, bridging the Medicaid Cliff, helping WV diabetics, expanding dental care and more! More
Issues: Health InsuranceHealthcareInequalityMedicaid
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