Tag: Inequality

98 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert   August 25, 2020
Health Care For All 2020 Virtual Summit, Sept. 21-22
Save the date! SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 from 6:00-7:30pm, we'll be hosting our Health Care Summit, hosting medical professionals, Medicaid experts, and average citizens telling their health care stories. Are you tired of struggling, or watching friends and family struggle, to get life-saving health care?  Do you think health care is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do and we need your help! More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicaidVoting
Action Alert   July 10, 2020
Charleston NAACP & Tuesday Morning Group Letter Proposing Economic Justice and Equity Fund
In May, the Charleston WV NAACP has submitted a letter to our state leadership including Governor Justice, Senate President Mitch Carmichael, and Speaker Delegate Henshaw requesting additional resources that address COVID-related health disparities in African American and poor communities in WV. The text of the letter can be found here. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityPoverty
Action Alert   June 24, 2020
Join Us for a Healthcare for All Virtual Town Hall
Are you tired of struggling -- or watching friends and family struggle -- to get life-saving healthcare? Do you think healthcare is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do! And we need your help. Tune in for one of our upcoming Town Halls to learn about our recent victories, hear about changes we can win together in 2021, tell us what else we should be working on, and learn how to get involved. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   May 23, 2020
Join Us for a Healthcare for ALL Virtual Town Hall
Are you tired of struggling -- or watching friends and family struggle -- to get life-saving healthcare? Do you think healthcare is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do! And we need your help. Tune in for a Healthcare for All Virtual Town Hall this Tuesday, May 26 at 6pm, to share your ideas and join the Healthcare for All WV movement. Save your spot today! More
Issues: HealthcareInequality
Action Alert   May 8, 2020
Help Fix Our Broken Health Care System – Tell Us What You Think
Many of us were already struggling to get healthcare. Now, a global pandemic has uncovered even more gaps in the system.  Even more West Virginians are falling through the cracks.  It's unacceptable. We deserve better. And this Spring we we showed that when we come together for better healthcare -- healthcare that values people over profit -- we can win. So, what should we do next to fix our broken healthcare system? Tell us what you think! More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicareWorkers
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett February 4, 2020
Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Gary’s Weekly Round-Up
Twenty four environmental and justice groups from around the state set up displays in the Senate Hall for annual Environment Day at the legislature on Tuesday. They came from near and far. See them in a quick walk through at the beginning of our Facebook live stream of the opening and speakers. After that a large group of citizens went to House Health Committee Chair Hill to ask him to put the Clean Drinking Water Act on his committee’s agenda. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnergyEventHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesPollutionWater
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett January 21, 2020
Week Two with Two Marches
The legislative session is building momentum but still has a month to the frantic deadlines for bills to crossover to the other house or die. So far 988 House bills and 594 in the Senate have been introduced. As mentioned last time, blessedly the majority won’t make the crossover, or even make a committee agenda. More
Issues: EventHealthcareInequalityWaterWorkers
Action Alert   October 8, 2019
Raise Your Hand & Your Voice for the Rx Drug Day of Action
Drug corporations, their powerful Pharma lobbyists and their allies in Congress are gearing up to stop any legislative that takes away their unlimited power to price-gouge patients and inflate their profits. It’s up to us to fight back! Wherever you are, join us by signing the petition supporting the “Lower Drug Prices Now” campaign principles and urging members of Congress to act. If you're in the Charleston area, join us for an "Rx Day of Action" to Lower Prescription Drug Prices this Thursday, Oct. 10, 12:15 - 1 PM outside Senator Shelley Moore Capito's office at 500 Virginia St. East in Charleston. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityPoverty
Action Alert   September 14, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Monday (9/16) in Charleston
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out Monday at a Medicare for All Forum in Charleston! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicare
Action Alert   September 4, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Tomorrow (9/5) in Beckley
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out tomorrow at a Medicare for All Forum in Beckley! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicare
Action Alert   August 23, 2019
You’ve heard the buzz, and you might be wondering …
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? You may have also heard about a series of ICE raids in West Virginia last week and be wondering what you can do to show solidarity with our immigrant neighbors? More here on opportunities to learn and ways you can help. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert Gary Zuckett March 26, 2019
Don’t let Trump take food away from struggling workers & families!
The Trump administration has proposed a new rule that takes away states’ flexibility to provide benefits and jeopardizes food assistance for 755,000 Americans. Tell the Trump administration to keep their hands off of SNAP! More
Issues: InequalityKids and familiesSNAPWorkers
Action Alert   March 20, 2019
Join WV CAG at the People’s Action Convention!
We're excited to invite YOU to be a part of the Second Annual People's Action Convention with us! The application to apply for a chance to attend with WV CAG staff, board members, and supporters is live now. Why should you apply? Click to read our top three reasons! More
Issues: EnvironmentEventHealthcareInequality
Newsletter article   January 21, 2019
How You Can Help End the Government Shutdown
On Tuesday, about 50 people rallied at Senator Capito's Charleston office, asking her to "stop playing politics with our lives," end the government shutdown, and forget the border wall. Rally speakers emphasized how the shutdown does the most harm to the people who need the most support – seniors, struggling families, and kids. More here on how you can help end the shutdown. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesInequalityKids and familiesPovertySNAPWorkers
Citizen Action Group Blog   May 15, 2018
Congress Wants to Cut Food Stamps After Giving 1% a Big Tax Break
The partisan Republican farm bill isn’t fooling anyone: punishing kids, seniors, people with disabilities and low wage workers won’t get people back to work or help the economy just like tax breaks for the rich haven’t created jobs or helped the middle class. Instead, the current Republican SNAP proposals are designed to shrink the food stamp program so that Republicans can free up more money to pay for their massive tax giveaway. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationInequalityKids and familiesPovertySNAP
Action Alert   May 15, 2018
Tell Your Representative to Protect Food Access, Vote No on the Farm Bill
The House Republican Farm Bill (H.R. 2) cuts $20 billion from SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) by creating new requirements, red tape, and bureaucratic hoops that will make it much harder to access critical benefits. Call your Representative today at 1-888-398-8702. Tell them to protect food access and vote NO on the Farm Bill that cuts food stamps for millions of Americans who can’t afford to eat.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationInequalityKids and familiesPovertySNAP
Press Release   April 17, 2018
New ‘Tax Day’ Study Reports on How Tax Law Enriches Corporations, Wealthy While Putting Health Care, Public Services at Risk
Today, WV Citizen Action released a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now detailing the affects of the tax cut package on families in West Virginia and compares that with the tax benefits that health insurance companies and prescription drug manufacturers receive under the same law. Read the full report and highlights here. More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareSNAPSocial security
Action Alert   March 13, 2018
Tell Governor Justice: Don’t Let People Go Hungry, Veto HB 4001
A some what watered down version of HB 4001, which would further restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) by imposing work requirements on certain recipients, passed both houses of the legislature close to midnight on the final day of the session. This is still a bad bill that hurts vulnerable people and we need to urge Governor Justice for a veto. Please contact Governor Justice today and tell him not to let people go hungry. Tell him to veto HB 4001. Governor’s Office Phone: (304) 558-2000 or 1-(888)-438-2731 More
Issues: InequalityPovertySNAP
Newsletter article Julie Archer March 4, 2018
Act Now: Anti-Abortion Ballot Measure Up for Final Vote Monday in the House
Yesterday, hundreds of people rallied on the steps of the Capitol to oppose SJR 12, a proposed constitutional amendment that is being deceptively explained as an effort to take away Medicaid funding for abortion, but which aims to take away reproductive rights for women more broadly. This extreme measure is up for a final vote in the House tomorrow. Act now! Contact your Delegate(s) and tell them to vote NO on SJR 12! More
Issues: HealthcareInequality
Action Alert   February 28, 2018
WV Senate rejects SB 600
THANK YOU! In another victory for ratepayers, Senate Bill 600 failed to get a majority vote today in Charleston. While the bill was rejected, we know that the utilities are fighting for it and we don’t want to see SB 600 reconsidered today or tomorrow. More
Issues: EnergyInequality
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