Tag: Healthcare

460 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert   October 12, 2017
Tell Senator Capito to Vote NO on Republicans’ Proposed Budget
We can't let Republicans use the budget to make the same devastating health care cuts that Americans overwhelmingly rejected during repeated efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Please call Senator Capito today at 888-516-5820 and tell her to vote NO!  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   October 4, 2017
Call Congress: Vote NO on cuts to Medicare, Medicaid to Pay for Tax Cuts
On THURSDAY, OCT. 5, Congress will vote on a federal budget proposal that cuts Medicaid, Medicare and education and gives big tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Call your Representative NOW at 888-516-5820 and tell them to vote NO on the House budget resolution. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert   September 26, 2017
Join Actions All Around WV to Stop Zombie Healthcare Repeal Bill!
West Virginia is KILLING IT, y’all! There are multiple rallies happening in our state this week that will all focus on urging Senator Capito to protect our healthcare and vote NO on the dangerous Graham-Cassidy bill that will devastate West Virginians. If you are in the area and are able, please stop by one of […] More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEventHCANHealthcareMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog   September 23, 2017
Health Care, We Care – Download Your Poster Here!
The Affordable Care Act is under attack again. Show your support by downloading and displaying this Health Care, We Care poster conceived by artist Betty Rivard with design work by Base Camp Printing. We must #ProtectOurCare! More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   September 18, 2017
Healthcare Repeal is Back, and Meaner than Ever!
Just when we thought the repeal fight was over, we've got a new and serious threat. This week Senators Cassidy, Graham, Heller and Johnson released their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it's gaining steam. We have to stop this in its tracks. Call Senator Capito at 1-888-981-9704 and tell her to vote NO on the Cassidy-Graham repeal bill. More
Issues: HCANHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG September 18, 2017
Friday Deadline to Register for the WV Grassroots Summit
The WV Grassroots Summit is just 11 days away! If you haven't registered, or invited a friend or colleague to register, please do so before the September 22 registration deadline. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG September 12, 2017
Rally Against AG Sessions, An Inconvenient Sequel
Our friends and neighbors in the Charleston have an opportunity to rally against AG Jeff Sessions, Rep. Alex Mooney, and Patrick Morrisey, and attend a one-time special screening of An Inconvenient Sequel.  More
Issues: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Action AlertNewsletter article   September 8, 2017
Capital Eye: Summer 2017 Edition
We leapt straight from the tough legislative session, including an extended budget battle, into several other state and national fights. Our crew rarely misses a beat in their efforts to bring justice and sanity to public policy. Keep reading for a post-legislative session overview. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnergy efficiencyEventFair taxationHCANHealthcareInequalityMedicarePovertySNAP
Newsletter CAG September 8, 2017
Capital Eye: Summer 2017 Vol.10 No.11
We leapt straight from the tough legislative session, including an extended budget battle, into several other state and national fights. Our crew rarely misses a beat in their efforts to bring justice and sanity to public policy. Keep reading for a post-legislative session overview. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog   September 8, 2017
Health Care Repeal Roller Coaster Rolls On
On January 1st it seemed inevitable that we would see the ACA repealed within months, if not weeks. Today, the public has little to no appetite for another attempt at repeal, and the Congress knows it. Health care as a right has entered the discussion, and grassroots groups around the country are growing in size and influence. We should be proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish, for it’s only the beginning of what is possible. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   August 31, 2017
Morgantown Town Hall Saturday on Federal Healthcare Cuts
Join us Saturday for a town hall about the proposed Trump budget, which makes massive cuts to healthcare and education in order to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy. We’ll hear from policy experts and local organizations about how the budget would affect our community. Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Congressman David McKinley and the media have been invited. It’s critical that we show up to send a strong message to protect essential services for West Virginians. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   August 31, 2017
Tell WV’s Congressmen: No Healthcare Cuts to Pay for Tax Giveaways!
Thanks to grassroots action from you and folks from around the country, healthcare repeal was stopped, but the fight is not over yet. Tell your Congressman WV can't accept a budget that puts medicine and food out of reach for kids, seniors and working families, all to give a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG August 3, 2017
Join Us at the WV Grassroots Summit
This September, we hope you'll join us for a two-day planning and grassroots organizing summit in Buckhannon, WV. People all across our state are rising up to fight for equality for themselves, their families, and their neighbors - not for big donors on Wall Street. In West Virginia, we believe in freedom for all people regardless of gender, race, class, orientation, disability, or status. During our two day event, you will have the opportunity to join in on trainings, workshops, projects, networking opportunities, roundtable discussions, and more - if you are standing up for yourself, your family, and/or your community, this summit is for you! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert   August 2, 2017
The Fight to Protect Our Care Continues
Thanks to increasing pressure from YOU, the Senate was unable to pass any of their repeal bills. Unfortunately, the fight to protect our care is far from over. The federal budget will be the next focus of attack. Support WV CAG and help us continue the fight for health care for all. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   July 24, 2017
Keep Senator Capito from Straying after her Visit with Trump
Today Senator Capito is joining President Trump in making a visit to the Boy Scout National Jamboree, and no doubt Trump will be using this opportunity to twist our Senator's arm on healthcare. On top of that, the Senate is expected to vote on another (secret) healthcare bill as early as tomorrow. That's why it's more critical than ever that we urge Senator Capito to vote NO! Come join us this week for events in Huntington and Charleston! More
Issues: EventHCANHealthcare
Action Alert   July 18, 2017
Noon Rally Tuesday to Tell Sen. Capito “Don’t Make My Care Extinct!”
Thanks to your dedication and work we have got Senator Capito to so stay true to West Virginia, so far. She continues to express doubt and concern about the Senate healthcare bill, but make no mistake, Mitch McConnell and the Republican party are doing everything they can to get her to a ‘Yes’ on taking care from over 200,000 of our friends and neighbors. Tomorrow, Join us in Morgantown and Charleston as we send a message to Senator Capito: we are watching closely, and we won’t take anything but “NO” for an answer! More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Citizen Action Group Blog CAG July 12, 2017
Power to the People
Our annual fundraiser and awards dinner, the Spring Fling, was a huge success!  Thank you to all of our sponsors, silent auction contributors, those who attended and those who supported from afar. Citizen Action is only as powerful as the people and together we can make the necessary changes to live in a world that works for all of us! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyFair taxationHealthcare
Action Alert   June 21, 2017
Major Rally asks Senator to “#SaveMeCapito!” This Sunday
Next week, the U.S. Senate is likely to vote on an immoral healthcare bill that would take away health care for 23 million Americans in exchange for more tax breaks for the wealthy. Senator Capito is a key swing vote on this bill. It’s no exaggeration to say that she may be the most important Senator in the country right now. There are two important events coming up this week where we can send a message to Senator Capito to put the interests of West Virginians first and protect our care. More
Issues: HCANHealthcareKids and familiesOur children our future
Action Alert   June 9, 2017
ALERT! Senate Backroom deal to Repeal Healthcare Imminent
Word today is that the Senate is about to finalize a secret backroom deal on a healthcare repeal bill at least as bad as the House bill, and Senator Capito is considering a yes vote. Now is the time to act if we are to stop this disaster in the making! More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Action Alert CAG May 25, 2017
Potholes, A Budget for the People, and Grassroots Gatherings
Here are some important calls to action to address the increasingly urgent infrastructure crisis: a state budget that refuses to put our communities ahead of tax cuts for the wealthy. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnvironmentHealthcare
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