Tag: Medicare

46 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert   June 24, 2020
Join Us for a Healthcare for All Virtual Town Hall
Are you tired of struggling -- or watching friends and family struggle -- to get life-saving healthcare? Do you think healthcare is a human right? Do you agree that West Virginians deserve better? We do! And we need your help. Tune in for one of our upcoming Town Halls to learn about our recent victories, hear about changes we can win together in 2021, tell us what else we should be working on, and learn how to get involved. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   May 8, 2020
Help Fix Our Broken Health Care System – Tell Us What You Think
Many of us were already struggling to get healthcare. Now, a global pandemic has uncovered even more gaps in the system.  Even more West Virginians are falling through the cracks.  It's unacceptable. We deserve better. And this Spring we we showed that when we come together for better healthcare -- healthcare that values people over profit -- we can win. So, what should we do next to fix our broken healthcare system? Tell us what you think! More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicareWorkers
Action Alert   September 14, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Monday (9/16) in Charleston
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out Monday at a Medicare for All Forum in Charleston! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicare
Action Alert   September 4, 2019
What the Heck is Medicare for All? Find Out Tomorrow (9/5) in Beckley
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? Find out tomorrow at a Medicare for All Forum in Beckley! If you're tired of not getting the healthcare you need, or paying through the nose, this event is for you. Learn how this big idea could help save money and lives across America... and how we can make it happen soon. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityMedicare
Action Alert   August 23, 2019
You’ve heard the buzz, and you might be wondering …
You've heard the buzz, and you might be wondering... What the heck is Medicare for All? And what can it do for me? You may have also heard about a series of ICE raids in West Virginia last week and be wondering what you can do to show solidarity with our immigrant neighbors? More here on opportunities to learn and ways you can help. More
Issues: HealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Press Release   April 17, 2018
New ‘Tax Day’ Study Reports on How Tax Law Enriches Corporations, Wealthy While Putting Health Care, Public Services at Risk
Today, WV Citizen Action released a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now detailing the affects of the tax cut package on families in West Virginia and compares that with the tax benefits that health insurance companies and prescription drug manufacturers receive under the same law. Read the full report and highlights here. More
Issues: Fair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareSNAPSocial security
Action Alert   April 3, 2018
Healthcare Town Hall – Find Out Where the Candidates Stand
This Thursday you'll have the opportunity to learn how the candidates who want to represent to represent us in Congress plan to fix our broken healthcare system. All candidates for Congress from WV's 2nd district and U.S. Senate have been invited to a Congressional Candidate Healthcare Town Hall. More details here. We hope to see you there. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Newsletter article Alexandra Gallo March 4, 2018
The ACA, Medicaid, & Medicare Are Under Attack, AGAIN: We Need Your Help
We need your help! The Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid and Medicare are under attack...AGAIN! With trillions of dollars going to tax breaks for the most wealthy Americans and corporations, funding will be taken away from critical healthcare programs! We are looking for your stories to share with the public about how and why these cuts would effect you, your family, or someone you know! While we fight to protect these important programs, we continue to work for solutions to our healthcare crisis. Join us at one of these upcoming healthcare forums to learn more about how our healthcare system got so complicated, why it’s under attack and what we can do about it. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   February 25, 2018
We Need Real Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis
Healthcare is shaping up to be a major issue in the 2018 elections. More and more West Virginians are struggling to afford healthcare, and Congress is taking us in the wrong direction with threatened cuts to crucial programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Join us at one of two upcoming healthcare forums to learn more about how our healthcare system got so complicated, why it's under attack and what we can do in 2018 to push for real solutions to the healthcare crisis. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Action Alert   February 2, 2018
Join the Movement for Medicare for All
It will take a revolution – our revolution – to get Medicare for All in this country. The insurance and drug companies are spending millions to fight it and to take away the health care we currently have. Drug companies alone spent $240 million on lobbying in 2016. But the movement for Medicare for All is growing too. Medicare for All legislation has record numbers of co-sponsors in the House and the Senate. We’re going to be doing our part here in West Virginia in 2018 by putting pressure on candidates and making Medicare for All a major issue in Congressional elections. Join the movement. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Action Alert   January 29, 2018
Get On The Bus – Let’s Remind Congressional Republicans of OUR Priorities
Later this week (January 31 - February 2), Congressional Republican leaders will be meeting at Jim Justice's Greenbrier resort for their legislative retreat. This is where Congressional leaders will be setting their priorities for 2018. Together with hundreds of Americans coming from around the country, we will be gathering there to remind them of OUR priorities. We want a government that works for the common good - for all of us, not just a wealthy few. Please join us. On February 1, we'll be taking a bus from Charleston, leaving at 9am on Thursday, and returning that evening around 6pm. Click here for more details. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareInequalityMedicarePoverty
Action Alert   December 21, 2017
Tell Congress to Investigate Big Pharma and HHS Nominee Alex Azar
In the next few weeks, the Senate will be voting on the confirmation of Alex Azar, a former executive of the drug corporation Eli Lilly, to replace Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Sign our petition demanding and demand that Congress investigate Azar’s involvement in alleged price-fixing of the lifesaving medication insulin while he was a top executive at Eli Lilly. More
Issues: HealthcareMedicare
Action Alert   December 18, 2017
Last Chance to Stop the Tax Scam
Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington are calling their tax bill a Christmas gift to the middle-class. We can't let members of Congress pass their terrible tax scam while they lie to the American people about the real-life consequences of this bill. Call your U.S. Representative and Senator Capito today and demand they reject a tax plan that hands trillions of dollars in tax breaks to the rich and powerful on the backs of working families, older Americans, and people with disabilities. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   November 20, 2017
Tell Senators Capito & Manchin to Say “No Thanks!” to GOP Tax Plan
This week, members of Congress are back home for Thanksgiving recess. When they return to Washington next week, the Senate will vote on a tax plan that would balloon the country’s deficit by giving away massive tax cuts to wealthy individuals and corporations, while giving families, students, people in recovery, and small business owners even less to be thankful for in the coming years. We must send a strong message to Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin and tell them to say “No thanks!” to the GOP tax plan.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Banking reform
Action Alert   October 26, 2017
Call to Action: Budget Vote TODAY
Last week Republican leaders in Congress failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act once again, but they have not given up on taking away our health care. TODAY, October 26, Congress will vote on a federal budget proposal that cuts Medicaid, Medicare and education and gives big tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Call your Representative and tell them to vote NO! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Press Release   October 18, 2017
West Virginia Families Will Be Harmed by Proposed Senate Budget
The Republican’s proposed budget will be very harmful to West Virginia’s families if it becomes law. It slashes funding for vital services and programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and education in order to provide huge tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations while raising taxes many working families who are already struggling to make ends meet. Read our complete statement on this immoral scheme and its effects on West Virginia families. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   October 12, 2017
Tell Senator Capito to Vote NO on Republicans’ Proposed Budget
We can't let Republicans use the budget to make the same devastating health care cuts that Americans overwhelmingly rejected during repeated efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Please call Senator Capito today at 888-516-5820 and tell her to vote NO!  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   September 26, 2017
Join Actions All Around WV to Stop Zombie Healthcare Repeal Bill!
West Virginia is KILLING IT, y’all! There are multiple rallies happening in our state this week that will all focus on urging Senator Capito to protect our healthcare and vote NO on the dangerous Graham-Cassidy bill that will devastate West Virginians. If you are in the area and are able, please stop by one of […] More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEventHCANHealthcareMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog   September 23, 2017
Health Care, We Care – Download Your Poster Here!
The Affordable Care Act is under attack again. Show your support by downloading and displaying this Health Care, We Care poster conceived by artist Betty Rivard with design work by Base Camp Printing. We must #ProtectOurCare! More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   September 18, 2017
Healthcare Repeal is Back, and Meaner than Ever!
Just when we thought the repeal fight was over, we've got a new and serious threat. This week Senators Cassidy, Graham, Heller and Johnson released their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it's gaining steam. We have to stop this in its tracks. Call Senator Capito at 1-888-981-9704 and tell her to vote NO on the Cassidy-Graham repeal bill. More
Issues: HCANHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
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