Tag: Kids and families

88 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Gary Zuckett March 4, 2018
Teachers’ Strike Continues As We Enter the Final Week of the Session
In this article: Teachers' Strike Continues, Paycheck Deception Checked (for Now), Textbook Wars Anyone?, Medical Cannabis Act Improvements Continued, Big Win on Your Electric Bill!, State Parks Get Logging Reprieve, Hunger Games Still SNAPpening, Guns on Campus Nixed - OK'd at Work!?, Eliminating Education and the Arts, Killing Two Rules with a New One?, and Home Stretch Approaching More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesOur children our futurePovertySNAPWorkers
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett February 26, 2018
Strike Week at the Legislature
In this article: Hunger Games Continue; Teachers Strike On; Governor Justice MIA; Corporate Welfare Lives; Religious Nanny State; Medical Cannabis Update; Crossover Day; Greens Keep Us Going More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and familiesOur children our futurePovertySNAPWorkers
Newsletter   January 28, 2018
Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 3
A lot has happened over the past week and there are a number of actions you can take. This coming week we hope you can join us for one or more events on legislative and congressional priorities and the need to focus on the common good. We also hope you can join WV CAG and allies the following week for All Kinds Are Welcome Here Lobby Day on February 8 at the State Capitol. To prepare you for your visit to Charleston there are two more opportunities to attend a Your Voice: Citizen Lobbyist Training - February 1 at Bethany College and February 5 in Parkersburg.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesPoverty
Action Alert   January 28, 2018
Health Not Politics – Stop HB 4012
On Wednesday, WV CAG and other social justice organizations joined our friends at WV FREE to launch a new Health Not Politics campaign to defeat a proposed ban on Medicaid coverage for abortions for low-income women in West Virginia. Unfortunately, the following day the House Health Committee passed HB 4012, which bans Medicaid insurance coverage for abortion. Horrifically, the House Health Committee refused to allow an exception for this coverage even in cases of rape or incest. please contact House Judiciary Chair Contact Chair John Shott (R-Mercer) at 304-340-3252 and ask him to stop HB 4012. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and families
Action Alert   January 11, 2018
Call Now to Save CHIP
This week marks 100 days since Congress failed to extend full funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides 9 million U.S. children and pregnant women with comprehensive and affordable health care coverage. Please call your member of Congress and urge them to extend CHIP funding for five years right now: (877) 233-9025. More information and talking points to help guide your call here. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and families
Action Alert   December 18, 2017
Last Chance to Stop the Tax Scam
Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington are calling their tax bill a Christmas gift to the middle-class. We can't let members of Congress pass their terrible tax scam while they lie to the American people about the real-life consequences of this bill. Call your U.S. Representative and Senator Capito today and demand they reject a tax plan that hands trillions of dollars in tax breaks to the rich and powerful on the backs of working families, older Americans, and people with disabilities. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   November 20, 2017
Tell Senators Capito & Manchin to Say “No Thanks!” to GOP Tax Plan
This week, members of Congress are back home for Thanksgiving recess. When they return to Washington next week, the Senate will vote on a tax plan that would balloon the country’s deficit by giving away massive tax cuts to wealthy individuals and corporations, while giving families, students, people in recovery, and small business owners even less to be thankful for in the coming years. We must send a strong message to Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin and tell them to say “No thanks!” to the GOP tax plan.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   November 14, 2017
Congress to Vote on Tax Plan Thursday; Tell Your Representative to Protect Working Families
Our hard work over many months comes down to a vote in the House of Representatives this Thursday. Republican leaders are desperately trying to round up the votes needed to pass this turkey of a tax bill -- and we can actually stop it. But we need your help -- no ifs, ands or buts! Call your Representative right now and tell them to protect working families and oppose tax cuts for the rich. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesWorkers
Banking reform
Action Alert   October 26, 2017
Call to Action: Budget Vote TODAY
Last week Republican leaders in Congress failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act once again, but they have not given up on taking away our health care. TODAY, October 26, Congress will vote on a federal budget proposal that cuts Medicaid, Medicare and education and gives big tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Call your Representative and tell them to vote NO! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Press Release   October 18, 2017
West Virginia Families Will Be Harmed by Proposed Senate Budget
The Republican’s proposed budget will be very harmful to West Virginia’s families if it becomes law. It slashes funding for vital services and programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and education in order to provide huge tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations while raising taxes many working families who are already struggling to make ends meet. Read our complete statement on this immoral scheme and its effects on West Virginia families. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   October 12, 2017
Tell Senator Capito to Vote NO on Republicans’ Proposed Budget
We can't let Republicans use the budget to make the same devastating health care cuts that Americans overwhelmingly rejected during repeated efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Please call Senator Capito today at 888-516-5820 and tell her to vote NO!  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog   September 23, 2017
Health Care, We Care – Download Your Poster Here!
The Affordable Care Act is under attack again. Show your support by downloading and displaying this Health Care, We Care poster conceived by artist Betty Rivard with design work by Base Camp Printing. We must #ProtectOurCare! More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   September 18, 2017
Healthcare Repeal is Back, and Meaner than Ever!
Just when we thought the repeal fight was over, we've got a new and serious threat. This week Senators Cassidy, Graham, Heller and Johnson released their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it's gaining steam. We have to stop this in its tracks. Call Senator Capito at 1-888-981-9704 and tell her to vote NO on the Cassidy-Graham repeal bill. More
Issues: HCANHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Citizen Action Group Blog   September 8, 2017
Health Care Repeal Roller Coaster Rolls On
On January 1st it seemed inevitable that we would see the ACA repealed within months, if not weeks. Today, the public has little to no appetite for another attempt at repeal, and the Congress knows it. Health care as a right has entered the discussion, and grassroots groups around the country are growing in size and influence. We should be proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish, for it’s only the beginning of what is possible. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   August 31, 2017
Morgantown Town Hall Saturday on Federal Healthcare Cuts
Join us Saturday for a town hall about the proposed Trump budget, which makes massive cuts to healthcare and education in order to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy. We’ll hear from policy experts and local organizations about how the budget would affect our community. Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Congressman David McKinley and the media have been invited. It’s critical that we show up to send a strong message to protect essential services for West Virginians. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   August 31, 2017
Tell WV’s Congressmen: No Healthcare Cuts to Pay for Tax Giveaways!
Thanks to grassroots action from you and folks from around the country, healthcare repeal was stopped, but the fight is not over yet. Tell your Congressman WV can't accept a budget that puts medicine and food out of reach for kids, seniors and working families, all to give a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesHealthcareKids and familiesMedicareSNAP
Action Alert   June 21, 2017
Major Rally asks Senator to “#SaveMeCapito!” This Sunday
Next week, the U.S. Senate is likely to vote on an immoral healthcare bill that would take away health care for 23 million Americans in exchange for more tax breaks for the wealthy. Senator Capito is a key swing vote on this bill. It’s no exaggeration to say that she may be the most important Senator in the country right now. There are two important events coming up this week where we can send a message to Senator Capito to put the interests of West Virginians first and protect our care. More
Issues: HCANHealthcareKids and familiesOur children our future
Action Alert   January 6, 2017
Raise revenue or make more cuts?
West Virginia is facing another budget crisis. This year's budget shortfall is expected to top $400 million. Our new governor and legislature will be faced with a decision: raise revenue or make further cuts to vital programs that aid students, the elderly, and people who work for low wages. It's time to stop the cuts and realize revenue must be part of the budget solution. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationInequalityKids and families
Action Alert   December 28, 2016
In the face of massive budget shortfalls and continued cuts, now is not the time to be silent. Join us in protecting the services we know our citizens value and use daily. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and families
Action Alert Ciera Pennington December 19, 2016
Fix Not Nix
210,000 West Virginians - enough to fill nearly 4 WVU football stadiums! - stand to lose access to affordable, quality healthcare if the ACA is repealed and not replaced. Senator Capito needs to hear from us. More
Issues: EventHealthcareInequalityKids and families
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