Tag: Kids and families

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Action Alert   June 16, 2019
Reminder & Update: Education Rally & Teach-In Monday, Resist Rockwool Wednesday
This is just a friendly reminder about tomorrow's (Monday, June 17th) student-led rally and teach-in in support of public education. Students, parents and community members who want to show solidarity with our hard-working teachers and school service personnel, please join us at 10 AM in front of the House chamber. We also wanted to let you know that Monday's planned actions against Rockwool have been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 19th. Please check this event's Facebook page for updates and locations. Eastern panhandle residents would love supporters to join them. More
Issues: EducationEnvironmentKids and familiesOur children our futurePollution
Newsletter   April 2, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 9 – Spring 2019
This year's legislative session proved once again that people power really can win on issues like education, healthcare, and public safety. But is also demonstrated that now is the time to tip the political scales so that we can start setting the political agenda, instead of fighting back bad ideas. This edition of the Capital Eye recaps our successes and highlights things you can do today to help us grow and build power this year.  More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDiscriminationEducationEnergyFair taxationHealthcareKids and families
Action Alert Gary Zuckett March 26, 2019
Don’t let Trump take food away from struggling workers & families!
The Trump administration has proposed a new rule that takes away states’ flexibility to provide benefits and jeopardizes food assistance for 755,000 Americans. Tell the Trump administration to keep their hands off of SNAP! More
Issues: InequalityKids and familiesSNAPWorkers
Action Alert   March 13, 2019
Veto of the Day: Ask Gov. Justice to veto HB 2010 & protect our foster care youth
HB 2010, if signed into law by Governor Justice, will make DHHR turn child welfare and foster care over to a managed care organization (MCO); meaning our government would experiment with the lives of our most vulnerable kids and families by making our state the only one in the country to give a combination of Medicaid and child welfare funds to an MCO. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and families
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett March 4, 2019
One Week to Go @ WV Legislature!
Each week keeps getting wilder at the 2019 legislature. Last week was no exception. Wednesday was "Crossover Day", when all bills needed to be passed out of their "house of origin." It was a week of highs and lows, but mostly lows. Read on to see what mischief, mayhem and madness transpired. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDEPDiscriminationEducationEnergyFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareSocial securityWater
Newsletter   March 4, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 8
Each week keeps getting wilder at the 2019 legislature. Last week was no exception. Wednesday was "Crossover Day", when all bills needed to be passed out of their "house of origin." It was a week of highs and lows, but mostly lows. Read on to see what mischief, mayhem and madness transpired this past week and what's ahead! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil JusticeDEPDiscriminationEducationEnergyFair taxationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesWater
Newsletter Gary Zuckett February 18, 2019
Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 6
One of the newer millennial lobbyists, who is also a poet and performer, has written a hilarious performance piece on the annual antics at the legislature, comparing it to her school days at Capitol High. This comparison fits far too often. As the session rolls along to its final days in early March, I’m reminded of “Capitol High” and smile daily. Thanks, Crystal! More
Issues: EducationEnergyHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareWater
Newsletter article Gary Zuckett February 10, 2019
Half-Way There
Last Thursday was day 30 of the 60-day legislative session. It was also Environment Day (E-Day) and All Kinds Are Welcome Here Lobby Day. Meanwhile, the polluters and the bigots were busy doing their dirty work in committees and in the chambers. Now that the midpoint is passed, several significant deadlines are looming, which up the ante for those who are working to pass more progressive policies in a body with a conservative leadership. More here, on what's moving and languishing. More
Issues: DiscriminationEducationEnergyKids and familiesPollutionSNAPWater
Action Alert Gary Zuckett February 10, 2019
House Holding Monday Public Hearings on Ominous Education Bill & Guns on Campus
On Monday, the House of Delegates will hold two public hearings on the Omnibus Education Bill (SB 451). The House Judiciary Committee is also holding a public hearing that day on the so-called "Campus Self Defense Act," which would would force colleges to allow people to, with some exceptions, carry concealed guns on college campuses and in buildings. More here on how to weigh in on these proposals and tune in to the action. More
Issues: DiscriminationEducationKids and familiesOur children our futureWorkers
Newsletter   January 21, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 2
Week two at the legislature was a busy one. Meetings with potential bill sponsors, checking daily bills introduced (now totaling 876), monitoring committees as they take up and amend legislation. This is just the daily grind. More here on some of the good, bad, and just plain ugly bills that we’re either promoting or trying to stop here, as well as actions you can take to help end the government shutdown, protect our water and our health, and strengthen our democracy. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesClean ElectionsKids and familiesOur children our futurePollutionWater
Newsletter article   January 21, 2019
How You Can Help End the Government Shutdown
On Tuesday, about 50 people rallied at Senator Capito's Charleston office, asking her to "stop playing politics with our lives," end the government shutdown, and forget the border wall. Rally speakers emphasized how the shutdown does the most harm to the people who need the most support – seniors, struggling families, and kids. More here on how you can help end the shutdown. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesInequalityKids and familiesPovertySNAPWorkers
Newsletter article Julie Archer January 20, 2019
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Stand Up, Stamp Up for Your Rights
We had a great time last week promoting the Pro-Democracy Anti-Corruption Platform at Kids and Families Day hosted by the Our Children, Our Future (OCOF) campaign. We also encouraged folks to help spread the word about the need to fight the influence of money in politics, and demonstrate support for the solution by stamping their money with messages like “Stamp Money Out of Politics, “Not to Be Used to Buy Elections,” and “Stop the Attack on Voting Rights.” Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the platform have been introduced. Learn more here. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsKids and familiesOur children our future
Newsletter   January 14, 2019
Capital Eye Vol. 12 No. 1
It's a new year, and a new legislature. In this issue of the Capital Eye, we give you a glimpse at some of the upcoming fights and things to watch for, as well as a list of resources to help you be an informed activist throughout the session. We've only scratched the surface of both the potential damage and opportunities that abound during this current 60-day legislative session, so please stay tuned to our weekly updates. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesClean ElectionsFair taxationKids and familiesWaterWorkers
Action Alert   January 14, 2019
Tell Sen. Capito: Stop Playing Politics with Our Lives!
Thousands of West Virginia families are feeling the pain of the government shutdown: federal employees who aren't able to work, those who are working without pay, small business owners who rely on federal services, kids and families who rely on temporary assistance, and many more. Tell Senator Capito to stop playing politics with our lives, and stand down on the border wall issue so that the government can get back to serving the people. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and familiesPovertySNAPWorkers
Citizen Action Group Blog   January 14, 2019
This is What Democracy Looks Like, and You Are In It
The 2018 WV teachers' strike is a recent example of how people power works. We, the people, know how to make WV a better place to live. But we need to fix a broken system. Here's a solution. Help West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform during the 2019 West Virginia Legislative Session. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsKids and familiesOur children our future
Action Alert   October 5, 2018
Last Chance to Stop Kavanaugh – Call Now
Unfortunately, Brett Kavanaugh just got closer to confirmation. Earlier today, the Senate voted 51-49 to advance Kavanaugh's nomination to a final vote. Senator Joe Manchin was among those who voted to advance the nomination, but that doesn't mean the fight is over. He and other Senators who voted 'Yes' on this procedural vote could still vote 'NO' in the end. Please call Senator Manchin and tell him to vote NO on Kavanaugh before it's too late - (202)-224-3954. For the sake of every survivor, and for everyone of us who will be harmed by the anti-democratic decisions he will make if he gets a lifetime appointment to the court, we must continue to make our voices heard.  More
Issues: Civil JusticeDiscriminationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesPollutionPovertyWorkers
Action Alert   September 29, 2018
West Virginians Must Stop Kavanaugh & Protect Our Care
Now that the Senate has agreed to let the FBI investigate sexual abuse claims against Kavanaugh, there is still time to contact Sen. Manchin and tell him to ‘Just Vote No, JOE’ on the lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court. Even if cleared by the FBI (and we believe the women) Kavanaugh is still dangerous to our health care. More
Issues: DiscriminationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicare
Action Alert   August 2, 2018
Help Families Reunite; Denounce Mayor Jones’ Scare Tactics
This weekend, People's Action affiliates around the country, including WV CAG, and their supporters will be hosting Families Belong Together Community Cookouts to bring together friends, family and neighbors to raise money and help migrant families get out of detention and reunited with their children. We're also asking Charleston residents to join us in urging mayoral candidates to publicly denounce Mayor Jones’s scare tactics, and pledge to engage in open dialogue about our drug epidemic. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and families
Action Alert   August 2, 2018
West Virginians Must Stop Kavanaugh & Protect Our Care
Nearly 800,000 West Virginians and their families will be directly affected if the GOP latest attack on the Affordable Care Act succeeds in court. We must come together and let Senator Manchin know we're counting on him to continue to protect our care. Too much is at stake. Please contact Senator Manchin today and urge him to oppose Brett Kavanaugh's nomination.    More
Issues: DiscriminationHealthcareInequalityKids and familiesMedicareOur children our future
Action Alert   July 25, 2018
Reminder: Opioid Crisis Forums Tomorrow and Saturday
Dealing with the opioid crisis -- preventing disease outbreaks, helping people into recovery and protecting public health and safety -- is one of the key challenges facing our state. We hope you can join us for one of two upcoming forums to get beyond the headlines and learn more about successful approaches to tackling the opioid epidemic from local and international public health experts. The forums will be held Thursday evening, July 26 in Charleston and Saturday morning, July 28 in Huntington. More details here. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and familiesOur children our future
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